Perform multitask migration

This section details the tasks that are needed to perform migration. Before you begin running the migration tasks, carefully review the following information.

  • Make sure that all parameters have the correct values in the file. The optional parameters that are described in this section can be included in the properties file and can also be specified on the command line. Any parameters that you specify on the command line will overwrite the entries in the file. If you have already specified parameters listed after the tasks in the file, you need only specify the task itself without parameters. Refer to Migration properties for a detailed description of the properties file parameters and to Migration tasks for more information about the migration tasks and their parameters.

  • Optional migration steps are provided during the development phase, when you may want to migrate individual artifacts and verify that they work correctly WebSphere Portal V5.1. When migrating your production environments, it is recommended that you use one of the suitable scenarios described in the Run the migration tasks section. Do not use the optional tasks to migrate your production environments unless it is absolutely necessary.

  • If you want to export and import themes, skins, portlet applications, and pages along with places, use steps 7 and 16 in the following section. If you want to export and import themes, skins, portlet applications, and pages individually, you can use the tasks described in the Optional migration steps section.

  • Before you begin running the migration tasks, read through all of the steps in the following section and develop a plan for running them.

  • After any migration task is completed, you can view the <wp51_root>/migration/log/MigrationReport.xml file for a report. This will include timestamp, names of individual tasks that were attempted, and if the tasks completed successfully.

Important note: The path to all export files is <wp51_root>/migration/work. For example, if you run the export-clients command and do not modify the default file name, the full path to your export file will be <wp51_root>/migration/work/clientsout.xml.

The following steps describe how to run the migration tasks:

  1. Change your working directory to the migration directory that was created when you installed WebSphere Portal V5.1. The path to this directory is dependent on your operating system. For example:

    Windows: c:\WebSphere\PortalServer\migration
    AIX: /usr/WebSphere/PortalServer/migration
    Solaris: /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer/migration

  2. Make sure that any previously installed version of WebSphere Portal is running and operational to your satisfaction.

  3. Make sure that the and files are updated with all required parameters as indicated in the files.

  4. Export permissions that users of any previously installed versions of WebSphere Portal have on user groups. If you use an external security manager with the previously installed version, verify it is running. Then, on the previously installed version, use one of the following commands: export-user-groups-ac
    Optional Parameter:


    Where <filename> is the file to which access control information is exported. The default file name is usergroupsacout.xml.

    Permissions on All Authenticated Users and All Anonymous Users are not migrated with this step. Permissions on All Anonymous and All Authenticated Users must be migrated using the procedure described in the Migrating the remaining access control configuration section.

  5. If you had modified default portal clients that were supplied with the previously installed version or added custom clients, use one of the following commands to export them from the previously installed version:

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-clients

    • UNIX: ./ export-clients

      Optional Parameters Description
      -DincludeClients=<include_names> <include_names> is a comma-separated list of case-sensitive portal client names to be included in the export. If you do not specify a value for the includeClients parameter, by default all the clients will be exported.
      -DexcludeClients=<exclude_names> <exclude_names> is a comma-separated list of case-sensitive portal client names to be excluded from the export. If you specify a value for the excludeClients parameter, the clients specified will not be exported.
      -DfilenameClients=<filename> <filename> is the name of the file to which the portal client data will be exported. The default is clientsout.xml.

  6. Export settings from multiple Notes and iNotes Portlets from the previously installed version by using one the following commands:

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-notes-portlets

    • UNIX: ./ export-notes-portlets

      Optional Parameters Description
      -DfilenameNotesPortlets=<filename> <filename> is the name of the file to which the settings will be exported. The default file name is notesportletsout.xml.

  7. Export places that are defined in the previously installed version by using one of the following commands:

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-places

    • UNIX: ./ export-places

      Optional Parameters Description
      -DincludePlaces=<include_names> <include_names> is a comma-separated list of places to be included in the export. If you do not specify a value for the includePlaces parameter, by default all the places will be exported.
      -DexcludePlaces=<exclude_names> <exclude_names> is a comma-separated list of places to be excluded from the export. If you specify a value for the excludePlaces parameter, the places specified will not be exported.
      -DdeployPages=<true_false> <true_false> allows you to choose whether to export pages, portlet applications, and themes and skins along with the places. You can set this parameter to true to export these features along with places, or you can export them individually using the commands in the following optional tasks section.
      -DdeployApps=<true_false> <true_false> allows you to choose whether to export pages, portlet applications, and themes and skins along with the places. You can set this parameter to true to export these features along with places, or you can export them individually using the commands in the following optional tasks section.
      -DconfigThemesSkins=<true_false> <true_false> allows you to choose whether to export pages, portlet applications, and themes and skins along with the places. You can set this parameter to true to export these features along with places, or you can export them individually using the commands in the following optional tasks section.
      -DpathApps=<your_path> <your_path> points to a location where the XML configuration interface will look for WAR files during portlet deployment (for example, file:///usr/WebSphere/PortalServer/install). The default path is file://localhost/$server_root$/installableApps, which is equivalent to <wp51_root>/installableApps at run time.
      -DfilenamePlaces=<filename> <filename> is the name of the file to which places will be exported. By default, the data will be exported to placesout.xml.


    • If you do not explicitly assign a theme to your places or pages, the previously installed version automatically uses the system default theme you have selected in the Themes and Skins Administration. The configuration for the system default theme will not be exported by the export-places task, unless a place or a page has been defined to explicitly use that theme. In this case, the configuration for the system default theme must be exported using the export-themes-skins-configs task before running the export-places task.

      The export-themes-skins-configs task by default excludes themes that are supplied with the previous version, so if you are using a WebSphere Portal-supplied theme as the system default theme, specifically use the -DincludeThemes parameter when running this task.

      For example, if you are using the theme "WebSphere" as the system default theme, use one of the following commands to export the "WebSphere" theme configuration:

      • Windows:WPmigrate.bat export-themes-skins-configs -DincludeThemes=WebSphere

      • UNIX: ./ export-themes-skins-configs -DincludeThemes=WebSphere

    • The export-places task will not export portlets if they are not included on pages that are being exported using the export-places task. This includes clipping portlets that you have created but have not included on pages. If you have such portlets, export them separately using the export-apps task, which also exports portlet settings and any access control information that is associated with the portlet.

      For example, to export all clipping portlets, use one of the following commands:

      • Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-apps -DincludeApps=""

      • UNIX: ./ export-apps -DincludeApps=""

    • The configThemesSkins, deployApps, and deployPages parameters are set to true by default. This will allow the export-places task to also export the corresponding pages that are used by the places, export the configuration of themes and skins that are used by the pages, and deploy portlet applications that are used on the pages. If you want to migrate these elements individually, verify the parameters are set to false and use the steps in the Optional migration tasks section.

      Note that the optional tasks are provided for your use during the development phase, when you want to migrate individual artifacts and verify that they work as required on WebSphere Portal V5.1. When migrating your production environments, it is recommended that you use the export-places task and use the default value of true for the parameters configThemesSkins, deployApps, and deployPages.

  8. Export all user customizations from the previously installed version. User customizations are artifacts that are attributed to a user that has EDIT but not MANAGE permissions on a page. They are created when such a user changes the layout of a page or edits portlet settings.

    The following commands also exports user customizations for all Notes and iNotes portlets. Export user customizations by using one of the following commands:

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-user-customizations

    • UNIX: ./ export-user-customizations

    Optional Parameters Description
    -DincludePages=<include_page_names> <include_page_names> is a comma-separated list of pages to be included in the export. If you do not specify a value for the includePages parameter, by default all the pages will be exported.
    -DexcludePages=<exclude_page_names> <exclude_page_names> is a comma-separated list of pages to be excluded from the export. If you do specify a value for the excludePages parameter, the pages specified will not be exported.
    -DfilenameUserPages=<filename> <filename> is the name of the file to which the user customizations will be exported. By default, the data will be exported to userpagesout.xml.

  9. Export Credential Vault segments and slots by using one of the following commands. Existing credential vault data must be migrated with a separate manual procedure that is described in the Migrating the remaining access control configuration section.

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-credential-slots-segments

    • UNIX: ./ export-credential-slots-segments

    Optional Parameters Description
    -filenameCredentialSlotsSegments=<filename> <filename> is the file name that is used for the exported Credential Vault data. If no parameter is specified, this value is credentialslotssegmentsout.xml by default.

  10. Optional: If a previously installed version of WebSphere Portal and WebSphere Portal V5.1 are installed on the same machine, you can now stop the previously installed version to minimize use of system resources.

  11. Make sure that WebSphere Portal V5.1 is running and is operational to your satisfaction.

  12. Migrate users, groups, and extended user attributes from the previously installed version (WebSphere Member Services) to WebSphere Portal V5.1 (Member Manager).

    Do not perform this step if you did not use a Lookaside database to store additional attributes in the previously installed version. Additionally, you do not need to migrate Member Manager. For more information, refer to Preparing to run the migration tasks, step 6.1.

    1. Migrate users, groups, and extended user attributes using one of the following commands:

      • Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-wmm

      • UNIX: ./ migrate-wmm


      • Ensure that the Member Manager and WebSphere Member Services databases have the same database user ID before proceeding. If the database user IDs do not match, the migrate-wmm command will fail.

      • If you are using a remote Oracle database and the service name needed to access the database is different from the value specified by the WmmDbName property in the file, then enter the correct database on the command line by adding the -DWmmDbName parameter to the migrate-wmm command, as follows:

        • Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-wmm -DWmmDbName=<service_name>

        • UNIX: ./ migrate-wmm -DWmmDbName=<service_name>

        where: <service_name> is the service name for the remote Oracle database.

    2. Refer to the Verifying the migration tasks section to verify that extended user attributes were successfully migrated.

  13. Import permission for user groups that were exported in step 4. Use one of the following commands:

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-user-groups-ac

    • UNIX: ./ import-user-groups-ac

    Optional Parameters Description
    -DfilenameUserGroupsAcOut=<filename> <filename> is the file to which the access control on user groups was exported in step 4.

    Refer to the Verifying the migration tasks section to verify that access control on user groups was successfully migrated.

  14. Import clients that were exported in step 5. Use one of the following commands:

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-clients

    • UNIX: ./ import-clients

    Optional Parameters Description
    -DfilenameClients=<filename> <filename> is the name of the file to which clients were exported in step 5.

    Refer to the Verifying the migration tasks section to verify that portal clients were successfully migrated.

  15. Import settings from multiple Notes and iNotes Portlets that were exported in step 6. Use one of the following commands:

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-notes-portlets

    • UNIX: ./ import-notes-portlets

    Optional Parameters Description
    -DfilenameNotesPortlets=<filename> <filename> is the name of the file to which Notes portlets were exported in step 6.

    Refer to the Verifying the migration tasks section to verify that Notes and iNotes portlets were successfully migrated.

  16. Import places exported in step 7. If you exported themes in step 7, first import them using one of the following commands:

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-themes-skins-configs

    • UNIX: ./ import-themes-skins-configs

    If you exported any portlets in step 7, first import them using one of the following commands:

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-apps

    • UNIX: ./ import-apps

    1. Import places using one of the following commands:

      • Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-places

      • UNIX: ./ import-places

      Optional Parameters Description
      -DfilenamePlaces=<filename> <filename> is the name of the file to which places were exported in step 7.

    2. Refer to the Verifying the migration tasks section to verify that places were successfully migrated.

  17. Import all user customizations that were exported in step 8. Use one of the following commands:

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-user-customizations

    • UNIX: ./ import-user-customizations

    Optional Parameters Description
    -DfilenameUserPages=<filename> <filename> is the name of the file to which user customizations were exported in step 8.

    Refer to the Verifying the migration tasks section to verify that user customizations were successfully migrated.

  18. Import Credential Vault slots and segments that were exported in step 9. Use one of the following commands:

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-credential-slots-segments

    • UNIX: ./ import-credential-slots-segments

    Optional Parameters Description
    -DfilenameCredentialSlotsSegments=<filename> <filename> is the name of the file to which slots and segments were exported in step 9.

    Refer to the Verifying the migration tasks section to verify that Credential Vault slots were successfully migrated.

  19. Optimize roles on the WebSphere Portal V5.1. This step cleans up obsolete roles and role blocks that are created on WebSphere Portal V5.1 resources during the migration process. If you use an external security manager, verify it is running before entering one of the following commands:

    • Windows: WPmigrate.bat optimize-roles

    • UNIX: ./ optimize-roles

    Refer to the Verifying the migration tasks section to verify that roles were successfully optimized.

  20. Proceed to Migrating the remaining access control configuration.


Next steps

You have completed the steps in this procedure. Continue to the next step by choosing the following topic:


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