Verify the migration tasks

  1. Extended user attributes
  2. Access control on user groups and role optimization
  3. Notes and iNotes portlets migration
  4. Portal clients
  5. Places and pages
  6. User customizations
  7. Credential vault data
  8. Role optimization
  9. Themes and skins
  10. Portlet applications
  11. Portlet configuration data


1: Steps to verify migration of extended user attributes

  1. Open the trace.log file in the <wp51_root>/migration/work/templates/wmm directory. Check to see if there are any exceptions or errors occurring.

  2. Depending on the database and the Member Manager configuration, check the following items:

    • DB2:

      Check the loader.log file in the directory <wp51_root>/migration/work/templates/wmm/db2/database or the directory <wp51_root>/migration/work/templates/wmm/db2/lookaside. Verify that all rows have been loaded properly.

    • Oracle:

      Check the different log files in the directory <wp51_root>/migration/work/templates/wmm/oracle/database or the directory <wp51_root>/migration/work/templates/wmm/oracle/lookaside.

      Verify that all rows have been loaded properly.

    • SQLServer:

      Check the different log files in the directory <wp51_root>/migration/work/templates/wmm/sqlserver/database or the directory <wp51_root>/migration/work/templates/wmm/sqlserver/lookaside.

      Verify that all rows have been loaded properly.

  3. Check the WebSphere Member Services and Member Manager tables to see if the data has been migrated:

    • For database-only configuration:

      Check the following WebSphere Member Services tables and the corresponding Member Manager tables to verify that the data has been migrated.

      WebSphere Member Services Table Name Member Manager Table Name

      Check that the Member Manager table WMMDBATR contains the attributes that are to be migrated. The following attributes should be in the WMMDBATR table: uid, userPassword, cn, sn, mail, preferredLanguage, and givenName.

      The WMMDBASVAL, WMMDBAIVAL, WMMDBABVAL, WMMDBADVAL, and WMMDBABVAL tables contain data depending on the type of the attributes to be migrated. The following table lists each table with its type of attribute.

      Table Attribute type
      WMMDBASVAL string
      WMMDBAIVAL integer
      WMMDBABVAL big integer
      WMMDBADVAL double
      WMMDBATVAL timestamp

      Check the WebSphere Member Services MBRATTRVAL table to see if the attributes values for the attributes that are to be migrated are properly inserted into the proper Member Manager attribute value table.

    • For LDAP + DB configuration:

      Check the data in the following WebSphere Member Services tables and their corresponding Member Manager tables:

      WebSphere Member Services Table Name Member Manager Table Name

      The WMMLAASVAL, WMMLAAIVAL, WMMLAABVAL, WMMLAADVAL, and WMMLAABVAL tables contain attribute values data depending on the type of attributes to be migrated.

      The attributes uid, userPassword, cn, sn, mail, preferredLanguage, and givenName would be migrated to the WMMLAASVAL table (assuming that data existed in WebSphere Member Services in the MBRATTRVAL table for those attributes). Note that only the attributes and attribute values that are not mapped to an LDAP plug-in attribute will be migrated to the Lookaside database. For example, if the attribute cn is defined in the file attributeMap.xml (the file that was copied to the <wp_root>migration/templates/wmm/xml/migration directory), then it will not be migrated because the attribute is contained in the LDAP and not in the WebSphere Member Services tables.


2: Steps to verify migration of access control on user groups and role optimization

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Portal V5.1 Administrative Interface.

  2. Click Access > User and Group Permissions Portlet.

  3. Verify that the permissions users have on the User Groups resource type are equivalent to those in the previously installed version of WebSphere Portal.

  4. Make sure that only redundant roles have been removed.

You can also refer to Access control changes for further verification information.


3: Steps to verify Notes and iNotes portlets migration

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Portal V5.1 Administrative Interface.

  2. Click Portlet Management > Portlets.

  3. There should be a portlet in the portlet list for each portlet that existed in the previously installed version. Note that in some previously installed versions of WebSphere Portal, these portlets were individual portlets, while in WebSphere Portal V5.1, they are copies of one portlet.

  4. Select each migrated portlet, click Configure Portlet, and verify that the portlet settings were migrated correctly. If you are migrating pages that had Notes portlets in them, the portlets should be on the page after migration and should work as they did on the the previously installed version.


4: Steps to verify migration of portal clients

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Portal V5.1 Administrative Interface.

  2. Click Administration > Portal Settings > Supported Clients.

  3. Verify that the portal clients that you migrated show up in the list of supported clients.

  4. Select the clients that were migrated and click Edit Selected Client to verify that all settings for the client were migrated.

  5. Verify that your migrated clients are able to access WebSphere Portal.


5: Steps to verify migration of places and pages

The concept of a "place" does not exist in WebSphere Portal V5.1. Places in some previously installed versions WebSphere Portal are treated like top-level pages in WebSphere Portal V5.1.

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Portal V5.1 Administrative Interface.

  2. Click Portal user interface > Manage pages on the left navigation.

  3. All migrated places show up under the content root that is labeled My Portal. Settings for the migrated pages can be accessed by following the link that is provided for each page under the migrated place.

  4. For each migrated place, click Edit page properties to verify the title and ensure that it uses the same theme as the previously installed version of WebSphere Portal. In the Advanced Options section, verify that supported markup settings and the titles and descriptions for other languages were migrated successfully.

  5. For each page under the migrated place, click Edit page properties to verify that the title was migrated successfully. Also verify the options under the Advanced Options section.

  6. For each page under the migrated place, click Edit Page Layout to verify the page layout and the portlets that are included on the page. Select the Appearance tab and ensure that the portlets on the page use the same skin as the previously installed version of WebSphere Portal.

    You can also perform a full export of WebSphere Portal V5.1 after migration is complete and verify the migrated places, pages and roles in the exported XML file. Refer to The XML configuration interface - Changes for WebSphere Portal V5.1 for more information.

You should also verify the access control for migrated pages using the Administrative Interface.

  1. Click Access > Resource Permissions > and select Pages from Resource Types. This displays the top-level page Content Root.

  2. Click Content Root > My Portal to display a list of pages that were migrated.

  3. Click Assign Access to verify the access control information.

You can also perform a full export of WebSphere Portal V5.1 after migration is complete and verify the roles in the exported XML file. Refer to The XML configuration interface for more information.

If a page does not support any of the languages determined by the portal language selection process, then the object ID of the page is displayed in the navigation rather than its title. Such an object ID can be, for example, 7_0_5T . For details about the language selection process, see Language determined by the portal.


6: Steps to verify migration of user customizations

User customizations are artifacts that are attributed to a portal user that has EDIT but not MANAGE permissions on a page. These are created when such a user changes the layout of a page or edits portlet settings.

  1. Log in to WebSphere Portal V5.1 with credentials of users having the customizations.

  2. Verify that all user customizations from the previously installed version of WebSphere Portal are present in WebSphere Portal V5.1. You can also pick users at random and ensure that the users see the correct customizations in WebSphere Portal V5.1 by comparing them visually to customizations in the previously installed version of WebSphere Portal.


7: Steps to verify migration of credential vault segments and slots

These procedures help verify that the credential slots and segments were migrated successfully. Existing credential vault data must be migrated with a separate manual procedure that is described in the Migrating the remaining access control configuration section.

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Portal V5.1 Administrative Interface.

  2. Click Access and then click Credential Vault on the left navigation.

  3. Using the Manage vault segments and Manage system vault slots options, verify that credential segments and slots from the previously installed version of WebSphere Portal are now also present in WebSphere Portal V5.1.


8: Steps to verify role optimization

Check to verify:

  • No user has more privileges than he or she did before optimization.

  • No user has fewer privileges than he or she did before before optimization.

  • The number of role assignments is less or equal to the number of role assignments before optimization.

  • The number of role blocks is less or equal to the number of role blocks before optimization.

  • Pages that were private resources before migration (meaning the pages were implicitly derived and only one user could see them) are private resources in WebSphere Portal V5.1.


9: Steps to verify migration of themes and skins

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Portal V5.1 Administrative Interface.

  2. Click Portal user interface > Themes and Skins in the left navigation.

  3. Verify that the themes and skins that are listed are the ones that you migrated from the previously installed version of WebSphere Portal to WebSphere Portal V5.1.

  4. Verify that you are able to associate migrated themes and skins to existing pages and portlets, and verify that they produce the desired view.


10: Steps to verify migration of portlet applications

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Portal V5.1 Administrative Interface.

  2. Click Portlet Management > Applications on the left navigation.

  3. Verify that the portlet applications that are listed are the ones that you migrated from the previously installed version of WebSphere Portal.

  4. For each Web Module, verify that all your portlet applications also display in the Portlet Applications list.

  5. For each portlet application that is migrated and for which you have set up parameters on the previously installed version of WebSphere Portal, click Edit portlet application next to the portlet applications list and verify that the parameters were migrated correctly.

You should also verify the access control for migrated portlet application and portlets using the Administrative Interface.

  1. Click Access > Resource Permissions > and select Portlet Applications from Resource Types.

  2. Click Assign Access to verify the access control information.

  3. Click Access > Resource Permissions > and select Portlets from Resource Types.

  4. Click Assign Access to verify the access control information.

You can also perform a full export of WebSphere Portal V5.1 after migration is complete and verify the roles in the exported XML file. Refer to The XML configuration interface for more information.


11: Steps to verify migration of portlet configuration data

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Portal V5.1 Administrative Interface.

  2. Click Portlet Management > Portlets on the left navigation.

  3. Verify that all portlet configuration data migrated from the previously installed version of WebSphere Portal are present in WebSphere Portal V5.1 by selecting the portlet from the list and clicking Configure portlet.


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