Install Active Directory


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Active Directory should be installed and configured before you install WebSphere Portal. Active Directory is included with the Windows 2000 or 2003 Server operating system. Below is an overview of the installation.

  1. Install Windows 2000 or 2003 Server, which includes Active Directory.

  2. Install required Service Packs.

  3. If using Active Directory 2000. High Encryption is included with Active Directory 2003.

    Install Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack, which allows you to enhance your system with one of the highest available encryption levels (128-bit). It is needed for enable SSL for Active Directory.

  4. Install Internet Information Services.

    If you have not installed Internet Information Services (IIS), do that. IIS is needed for exporting server certificates. IIS has to be installed before the installation of Certificate Service.

    1. Open Control Panel and select Add/Remove Programs.

    2. Choose Add/Remove Windows Components.

    3. Choose the Internet Information Services (IIS) component and then click Next.

    4. Follow the instruction of the Windows Components Wizard. The Windows Server CD is needed.

  5. If you plan on using Active Directory over SSL, install Certificate Services.

    1. Open Control Panel and select Add/Remove Programs.

    2. Choose Add/Remove Windows Components.

    3. Select Certificate Services, then click Next.

    4. Select Stand-alone root CA, then click Next. You can also choose other options depends on you needs.

    5. Fill in CA identifying information and click Next.

    6. Follow the instruction of the Windows Components Wizard. The Windows Server CD is needed.


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