Set up Web Conferencing for Inline Team Workplaces

These instructions assume that the Meetings feature has been independently tested on the Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime) server and is functioning properly.

Perform the following steps to set up the Inline Team Workplaces portlet to correctly create and update Sametime Meetings on a Lotus Web Conferencing server.


Configure the Lotus Web Conferencing server for Inline Team Workplaces

On the Lotus Web Conferencing server, perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a user name in the local Domino Directory. This user name will be used only for integration of Lotus Instant Messaging and the Inline Team Workplaces portlet.
  2. In the ACL of the STConfig.nsf database, add the new user name as a Person/Manager, and give the user, at minimum, the [SametimeAdmin] role.
  3. From the Domino program directory, copy the following files to the Domino program directory on the Lotus Team Workplace server (default is \lotus\domino):
    STMtgManagement.jar, STCore.jar, ibmjsse.jar
  4. Shut down and restart the Lotus Web Conferencing server.


Configuring the Lotus Team Workplace server for Inline Team Workplaces

On the Lotus Team Workplace server, perform the following tasks:

  1. Locate the notes.ini setting that begins with JavaUserClassesExt and append the following information to that line:
  2. Add the following three lines to the end of that section of settings:
  3. Check the resulting section to make sure it looks like this:
  4. In the Domino Data directory, make a copy of the qpconfig_sample.xml file and name it qpconfig.xml.
  5. Open the qpconfig.xml file and go to the <sametime> section. Within the <credentials> element, add the name and password of the user you created while configuring the Lotus Web Conferencing server. More detailed information on the XML is provided in qpconfig_sample.xml.
    <sametime local_users="false" ldap="true"> 
    <meetings invite_servers="false"> 
    <audio enabled="true"/> 
    <video enabled="true"/> 
    <dn>cn=John Doe/o=Enterprise</dn> 

    Note The <local_users> attribute should be "false." Team Workplaces 6.5.1 does not support local users using Lotus Instant Messaging.


Enable place members to schedule online meetings

From any system with a browser, open the browser and perform the following tasks.

  1. Enter the URL of the Lotus Team Workplace server, for example:
  2. Click Sign In at the top corner of the screen.
  3. Enter the user name and password of a Lotus Team Workplace server administrator.
  4. Click Server Settings in the table of contents.
  5. Click Other Options in the table of contents.
  6. Click Edit Options.
  7. Under Sametime Servers, enter the full URL of the Sametime Meeting Server. For example: 
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click My Places, and open a place.
  10. Click Customize.
  11. Click Basics.
  12. Click Change Basics.
  13. Scroll down to the bottom of the Change Basics page. Under Real-time collaboration, make sure "Members can schedule online meetings" is selected.

    Note This setting is enabled by default, but check to ensure it is actually enabled in any Place where members will be collaborating online.

    • Click Done.


Testing meeting services

Perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a calendar entry in a Place.
  2. Select Calendar --> New --> Online Meeting.
  3. Fill in the relevant fields, and select Publish.

Users who subscribe to calendar events should receive an invitation in their mail, with a link to the meeting. For more information on subscribing to calendar events, see the Team Workplace Help by clicking Help in a place.


See also

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