IBM Tivoli Directory Server



This topic contains information on creating a new portal administrative user in IBM Tivoli Directory Server and configuring a secure connection to the LDAP server. Use the following steps as a guide to set up your environment.


Create a new user as the portal administrator

The following steps should be followed if the portal administrative user does not exist in IBM Tivoli Directory Server. These directions also assume that you are creating a new directory suffix for these users. If you already have a directory suffix, ignore steps 1 through 3.

  1. Go to....

    IBM Tivoli Directory Server console | Server Administration | Manage Server Properties | Suffixes

  2. Type the name of the Base DN to be used as the suffix, for example, dc=setgetweb,dc=com. Click Add to add the suffix.

  3. When you are finished adding the suffix, click OK to save your changes.

  4. Stop and start the LDAP server.

  5. If you choose to use the LDIF file, locate PortalUsers.ldif in the root directory on the CD Setup, and open it in a text editor.

    The PortalUsers.ldif file is provided as a working example and needs to be adapted appropriately to work with your ldap.

    If you have configured Content Manager, there is a separate LDIF file. Use ContentUsers.ldif for the Content Manager group and user IDs.

  6. Replace all occurrences of dc=setgetweb,dc=com with the suffix that you are using. Also, replace any prefixes and suffixes that are unique to your LDAP server. You can specify user names other than wpsadmin and wpsbind if you wish. For security reasons, specify non-trivial passwords for these administrator accounts because it is easier to specify them now than to change them after installation. Save your changes.

  7. Follow the instructions provided with your IBM Tivoli Directory Server to import PortalUsers.ldif.

    Importing the PortalUsers.ldif file could overwrite existing user data.

  8. Stop and restart the LDAP server.

  9. After the portal installation, if you did not specify non-trivial passwords for the administrator IDs in the LDIF file, it is recommended that you change the passwords for these user IDs.


Example of the IBM Tivoli Directory Server structure

The following schema is an example for IBM Tivoli Directory Server and is referenced throughout the documentation for consistency. The example below is designed to help you determine the appropriate values when configuring WebSphere Portal to work with your specific directory layout. The values shown match the default values for this LDAP. If you have an existing schema that varies from this example, replace the example values with your values. For instance, cn is shown as the group prefix; replace cn with the group prefix for your schema.

  1. LDAP suffix="dc=setgetweb,dc=com"
  2. user prefix="uid"
  3. user suffix="cn=users"
  4. group prefix="cn"
  5. group suffix="cn=groups"
  6. Portal administrator DN="uid=wpsadmin,cn=users,dc=setgetweb,dc=com"
  7. Portal administrator group="cn=wpsadmins,cn=groups,dc=setgetweb,dc=com"


Next steps


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