#/********************************************************************/ #/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */ #/* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved. */ #/* */ #/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or */ #/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM */ #/* Corp. */ #/* */ #/* DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. The following [enclosed] code is */ #/* sample code created by IBM Corporation. This sample code is */ #/* not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you */ #/* solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of */ #/* your applications. The code is provided "AS IS", without */ #/* warranty of any kind. IBM shall not be liable for any damages */ #/* arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have */ #/* been advised of the possibility of such damages. */ #/********************************************************************/ default.system-email=admin@server1.com default.site=Site # index settings # indicates if IBM Lotus Workplace Web Content Management should use multiple # threads when refreshing indexes. # multiple CPU servers may find it improves index refreshing time by setting # this to true. indexlibrary.multiThreadRefresh=false # persistency settings # the encoding to use when storing data. # This will default to UTF-8 if not specified. persistency.encoding=UTF-8 # persistencies supported are JDBC and CM manager.persistence=JDBC resource.persistence=JDBC # resource settings # indicates whether non secure resources should be retrieved from the web directory or their source # if this parameter is modified, then the resource server module needs to be run to update the web directory resource.nonsecure.retrieveFromWebDir=true # indicates whether cached urls to the source of a non secure resource should be used resource.nonsecure.useCachedSourceUrl=true # resource server module settings # the url to resource server module business logic resource.resourceServerModuleName=AJPERES # indicates the maximum size of resources to be cached by the resource server module (in KB) resourceserver.maxCacheObjectSize=10240 # specifies the expiry date of resources cached by the resource server module resourceserver.cacheExpiryDate="REL 1M" # file system persistency settings # time in seconds that the file system should be queried for ILWWCM files that have # been updated outside of the product. filesystem.updateInterval=60 # jdbc persistency settings # the url to the database (ie. jdbc:db2:ILWWCM) jdbc.url=jdbc:db2j:C:/WEBSPH~1/PORTAL~1/wcm/ilwwcm/db/WCMDB # the name of the user to connect to the database with jdbc.username=APP # the password of the user to connect to the database with jdbc.password=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd # the database table which will be created to manage objects (optional). # if this parameter is not included, then the table name will default to "AJPE". jdbc.table=AJPE # the database table which will be created to manage resources (optional). # if this parameter is not included, then the table name will default to "AJPE_RESOURCES". jdbc.resources.table=AJPE_RESOURCES # the database schema under which the table will be created (optional). # if this is not specified, then this will default to the jdbc.username # parameter. #jdbc.tableSchema=[JDBC_SCHEMA] # The number of items to read ahead when reading all items for index recreation. # The default if not specified is 30. jdbc.readAhead=50 # the maximum size of a resource in MB that can be stored within the jdbc database (optional). # if this parameter is not included, then the maxSize will default to 10 MB jdbc.resources.maxSize=10 jdbc.dbms.name=Cloudscape jdbc.managerStrategy=com.aptrix.pluto.util.CloudscapeManagerStrategy jdbc.byteContentManagerStrategy=com.aptrix.pluto.util.CloudscapeByteContentManagerStrategy # z/OS DB2 settings # Uncomment for z/OS # the default CLOB size for maximum allowed CLOB. Uncomment to change default. #zos.maxClobSize=500k # the default CLOB size for most common CLOB size. Uncomment to change default. #zos.smallClobSize=100k # the default BLOB size for maximum allowed BLOB. Uncomment to change default. #zos.resources.maxBlobSize=10M # the default BLOB size for most common BLOB size. Uncomment to change default. #zos.resources.smallBlobSize=100k # the default CLOB table name. Uncomment to change default. #zos.smallTable=AJPE_SMA # the default BLOB table name. Uncomment to change default. #zos.resources.smallTable=AJPE_SMA_RESOURCES # iSeries settings #iseries.ccsid=13488 # CM persistency settings # CM Server information #cm.server=[CM_SERVER_NAME] #cm.username=[CM_USERNAME] #cm.password=[CM_PASSWORD] # Unique identifier for the site #cm.jpeServerIdentifier=[CM_JPE_SERVER_ID] # Connection String #cm.connectionString=schema=[CM_SCHEMA] # path to store data data.dir=ilwwcm/data # temporary holding directory for files uploaded/downloaded from rich text # applet transfer.holdingPath=ilwwcm/system/holding # path to store system related information system.dir=ilwwcm/system # the file path to the web application # (ie. /Websphere/AppServer/installedApps/---.ear/---.war) web.path=C:/WEBSPH~1/APPSER~1/installedApps/MPAREENEXP/wcm.ear/ilwwcm.war # control properties control.Content=com.aptrix.versioncontrol.VersioningControl,com.aptrix.pluto.workflow.WorkflowControl,com.aptrix.pluto.taxonomy.ProfileControl control.Style=com.aptrix.versioncontrol.VersioningControl control.Template= control.Taxonomy= control.Category= control.Site= control.SiteArea= control.Workflow= control.WorkflowStage= control.WorkflowAction= control.Cmpnt=com.aptrix.versioncontrol.VersioningControl # deployment settings # these urls point to where to the connect servlet then call the appropriate # business logic. # NOTE: Never use localhost for host, but you may need to use IP address. deployment.itemDispatcherUrl=http://MPAREENEXP.ad.msiinet.com:9081/wps/wcm/connect/?MOD=ItemDispatcher deployment.syndicatorUrl=http://MPAREENEXP.ad.msiinet.com:9081/wps/wcm/connect/?MOD=Synd deployment.subscriberUrl=http://MPAREENEXP.ad.msiinet.com:9081/wps/wcm/connect/?MOD=Subs # Sets the recurring task interval (in seconds) for the item changed task. # This setting affects how quickly syndication updates are sent to the # subscribers. The shorter the interval, the faster the update can be sent, # however, it does affect performance and servers with large amounts of data # may wish to increase this figure. # # Once a system has settled down (i.e. the item changed task started and no # documents have been added, updated, or deleted since its last run), then any # required syndication updates will be sent to the syndication engine. deployment.itemChangedTaskDelay=30 # Set this value to true if this ILWWCM instance is only going to be subscribed to. # By default, this has a value of false. If it is set to true, then all # item gatherers will be deleted and the item changed task will not be added # to the scheduler. This will give greater performance and is recommended # for production machines that only subscribe. deployment.subscriberOnly=false # The number of recent syndication related errors to store for each syndicator deployment.recentSyndicatorErrorsSize=10 # The number of recent document related syndication errors to store for each # syndicator deployment.recentSyndicatorDocumentErrorsSize=100 # The number of recent syndication related errors to store for each subscriber deployment.recentSubscriberErrorsSize=10 # The number of recent document related syndication errors to store for each # subscriber deployment.recentSubscriberDocumentErrorsSize=100 # The path to the WCM content servlet wcm.servlet.url.prefix=http://MPAREENEXP.ad.msiinet.com:9081/wps/wcm/connect # The base server URL wcm.server.base.url=http://MPAREENEXP.ad.msiinet.com:9081 # The context root for the WCM content servlet wcm.context.path=/wps/wcm # The servlet path for the WCM content servlet wcm.servlet.path=/connect # The path to the WCM Authoring Portlet Portal Page wcm.authoringui.url=http://MPAREENEXP.ad.msiinet.com:9081/wps/myportal/wcmAuthoring
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