Syndication Troubleshooting
Document (Item) Errors
- The document could not be retrieved from the Syndicator by the Subscriber:
- During the syndication update process, the Syndicator sends to the subscriber a package that contains the URLs of all the documents that it needs to retrieve to be up to date. The Subscriber works through this package retrieving each document from the specified URL. However, the Syndicator may not always be able to dispatch the document. There could be several reasons for this:
- The document no longer exists: if this is the case, the next update will send through the deletion notice for the document.
- The document could not be retrieved: this could be due to the document being corrupted or not being complete. E.g., Some documents rely on external data for completeness. This includes resources and users. Check the Syndicator's document errors and you will find a message describing which document it could not retrieve and why. correct the data for the document in question to be syndicated.
- The document could not be saved by the Subscriber:
- Once the Subscriber has all the documents from the Syndicator, it then goes ahead and starts to save them (as long as they are valid replication-wise). Some documents may not save because they are expecting other documents to exist. Check the Subscriber's document errors and you will find a message describing which document it could not save and why.
"OutOfMemory" Error This error can occur when the trace level of logging is too high, or to logging being buffered. To avoid this, either make the tracing level of your file logging lower (1 should be good enough) or set the buffered attribute to false. See the Server Configuration Section in the Installation Guide for further information.
Resource Issues A tool has been included to help clean up resources. This tool can be called by appending... ? the servlet path. For example...
http://HOST:PORT/wps/wcm/connect?MOD=AJPEResourceCheckerYou will have to login as Administrator to use it. The tool may take a while to run if you have a large site.
Unable to reach Host This is a common reason why syndication does not work. The URL for the Syndicator or the Subscriber may not be valid. You may need to use the IP Address rather than the domain name. Delete Indexes Occasionally, Web Content Management indexes are required to be deleted by Web Content Management administrators. A full syndicator rebuild should be performed prior to resuming authoring. Otherwise, some recent changes to Web Content Management items may not be successfully syndicated. Parent topic: Syndication
IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -
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