WCM Logging and Trace Levels


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Trace output levels are set in connect.cfg using TraceLevel (for the log file) and ScreenTraceLevel (for the screen). Both of these options are integers in the range 0 to 5 (default 0), where the higher the number the more trace output is generated. The levels are as follows:

0 No output except broad details regarding critical system exceptions (errors).
1 All of the above, plus general system events (start-up, shutdown, etcetera), and all other system exceptions.

Note that to use logging levels above 1 (2, 3, 4 etcetera) use debug jars. These are available on request from Web Content Management support.

2 All of the above, plus common events such as requests from clients.
Various levels of programmer-readable debug, not necessarily readily understandable by anyone but the developer. These levels should not be used unless a Web Content Management solution is not functioning properly and the reasons behind this need to be determined (debugging).

There are two other configuration options relating to trace output.

LogFile This specifies the location of the system log file.


A new log file is created each time the Web Content Management application is started.


New trace logs are appended to the existing log file each time the Web Content Management application is started.


Further Configuration Settings

Buffered Buffered Logs are stored in an ordered list as they are written to the Destination rather than immediately writing it to the output stream. The buffer is later flushed, at which time all output stored in the buffer is written to the output stream. In this way, all the formatted LogEntry data is grouped together in the output.
DebugLog Debug log file settings
ErrorLog Error log file settings
FullLog Full Log File Settings
TraceTime If true, each line added to the log file will include a timestamp (exact down to the millisecond). If false, no timestamp is included. Useful for tracking request-processing times.

Parent topic: The connect.cfg file.

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -


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