Navigator Component Fields
This section is used to set Navigator search parameters, set Navigator display settings and design the format of the Navigator.
Start Type The Start Type can either be:
- Top
- Starts the navigator from the top of the Site Framework. The Site will not be displayed in the Navigator unless "Show Site" is selected below.
- Current
- The navigator starts at either the current Site Area or Content
- Selected
- The navigator starts at the site area that you define
Selected Start Area If you have chosen Selected as the Start Type, highlight the selected Site Area here. To deselect a Site Area, click "Selected Site Area", then click on the None button in the dialog box.
Include Start If you choose this option, the navigator displays the site area that you defined in Start Type as the topmost navigator item. If not, the navigator does not display the site area that you defined in Start Type. The topmost navigator item that displays is the site area that is the next level down from the defined Start Type area. Ancestor level The number of levels of Parents and their Ancestors you want to display. The Site will not be displayed in the Navigator unless "Show Site" is selected below. Descendant level The number of levels of Children and their Descendants you want to display. Content will not be displayed in the Navigator unless "Show Content" is selected below. Preceding Siblings level The number of siblings listed before the current item to display. Next Siblings level The number of siblings listed after the current item to display. Show Site If selected, the Site that the displayed Site Area(s) belong to will be displayed in the Navigator. Show Content If selected, the names of Content belonging to each Site Area will display in the Navigator. Expand Current If selected, this will cause the Navigator to automatically expand to the current Site Area. Highlight navigator content using component designs If selected, the active section of a Navigator (the currently displayed Site Area or Content item) will be highlighted. Header, Footer, Separator and Component Designs These Sections are used to enter text, tags and code to design the format of the rendered component. The code entered in the Header and Footer designs will appear before and after the displayed Navigator results.
The code entered into the "Separator" will appear between each displayed Navigator result.
The code entered into the "Component Designs" is used to format each Navigator result. Use multiple Component Designs to use a different format for each level of the Navigator.
All non-ASCII characters are removed from the filenames of resources imported into Web Content Management items. If a file is found to have no ASCII characters, then the resource will be given the name of "resource". E.g., resource.jpg.
Parent topic: Navigator Component Form
IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -
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