Import and Export HTML


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Import and export HTML

HTML files can be uploaded into Presentation Templates and some Components.

Open a Presentation Template or Component form and click the Import button. Choose the file you want to upload. Click Save

To export HTML, open a Presentation Template or Component form and click the Export button.

All non-ASCII characters are removed from the filenames of resources imported into Web Content Management items. If a file is found to have no ASCII characters, then the resource will be given the name of "resource". E.g., resource.jpg.

The WCM application will automatically upload images that have been referenced in the HTML you are uploading. This does not apply to applets. copy applets to the appropriate directory on your Server.

If you are importing an HTML file that contains images not referenced using the "img" tag, for example a "background" tag, then the image will not be uploaded. For these types of image references, the images should be imported as File Resource Components and a component reference used instead.


<body background="<AptrixLibCmpnt name="ComponentName">" >

Instead of...

<body background="LeftNavBg.jpg" >

For exports, if the HTML being exported contains "img" tags, (e.g., <img src="image.jpg">), then the export box will display a list of exported images. Otherwise, the box will close.


Upload HTML from Microsoft Word

Before uploading HTML created in Microsoft Word 2000 and below, install Microsoft Office service pack "HTML Filter 2.0". This is available from Microsoft.

Before uploading HTML created in Microsoft Word 2002 and later, first save your document as "Web Page, Filtered".


HTML Encoding

The importing and exporting of HTML is limited by the encoding of the current browser window. For example if the browser is currently using GB2312 for Chinese, then only GB2312 encoded HTML can be imported, and on export the exported HTML encoding will be GB2312.


See also

  1. Presentation template fields
  2. Rich Text Component Fields.
  3. HTML Component Fields.
  4. Menu Component Fields.
  5. Navigator Component Fields.
  6. Username Component Fields.
  7. Taxonomy Component Fields.