Cluster Installation Process



Web Content Management applications cannot be clustered themselves, but they can be installed in a clustered environment.

A Web Content Management application cannot be used as an "authoring application" in a clustered environment. It can only be used as a staging or delivery application. This means that although the Authoring Portlet (Web Content Authoring) is installed on Web Content Management staging and delivery applications in a clustered environment, you cannot use the Web Content Authoring to author content. On staging and delivery applications, the Web Content Authoring is only used to manage syndication and caching.

Each Web Content Management application installed in a clustered environment must use a separate data repository.

Syndication must be used to keep each Web Content Management application synchronized.


Distributed Session Persistence

The Web Content Management Authoring portlet and Local Rendering Portlet cannot be used in a clustered environment that has distributed session persistence enabled. To display Web Content Management content in WebSphere Portal pages in a clustered environment that has distributed session persistence enabled use a Remote Rendering Portlet pointing to a Web Content Management application located outside the clustered environment.


Primary Nodes

When installing Web Content Management on a primary node, :

  1. Install Web Content Management as specified in either the Standard Installation Process or the Custom Installation Process topics.

  2. Once Web Content Management has been successfully installed and configured, then configure WebSphere Portal as a primary node.


Secondary Nodes

When installing Web Content Management on a secondary node, :

  1. Install Web Content Management as specified in either the Standard Installation Process or the Custom Installation Process topics.

  2. Each Web Content Management application must use a separate data repository. Each repository can reside on the same database, however they will need unique table names or schema names. To change your Web Content Management data repository run the Repository configuration task.

    Note that Step 2 must be performed prior to Steps 3 and 4

    You should always configure each node's data repository prior to performing steps 3 and 4, especially when using a DB2 on z/OS data repository.

    Note that for DB2 on z/OS you must also ensure that a unique datasource name is used for each Web Content Management data repository. This is specified in the WcmDsName setting in the file prior to running the Repository configuration task.

  3. Once Web Content Management has been successfully installed and configured, then configure WebSphere Portal as a secondary node.

  4. Once the node has been added to a cluster, run the update-wcm-cluster-configuration task.


Enable Syndication Between Nodes

Syndication is used as the transport layer that replicates data from one Web Content Management application to another. Perform the following steps to enable Syndication between Nodes...

  1. Configure a Virtual Host within the Deployment manager to allow access to the individual Web Content Management nodes within the cluster:

    • Open the WebSphere Administrative Console and go to....

      Environment | Virtual Hosts | default_host | Host Aliases | New

    • Add the hostname and port that correspond to the Web Container HTTP Transport. E.g. -, port 9081.

    • Save these settings.

  2. Use Web Content Management Syndication to populate each Web Content Management repository in the cluster.


Removing a Web Content Management Application from a Cluster

If at any stage you remove a Web Content Management Application from a Cluster do the following:


Vertical Cluster Installation Process

These instructions detail how to install Web Content Management applications in a standard clustered environment. To install Web Content Management applications in a vertically clustered environment, see the Vertical Cluster Installation Process topic.


z/OS Cluster Installation Procedures

The Customization Dialog of WebSphere Portal for z/OS is used to install and configure your portal installation. Refer to the z/OS Installation Process topic for an overview of installing Web Content Management applications on z/OS.

Detailed information on using the Customization Dialog and defining variables can be found in the WebSphere Portal for z/OS Information Center under Installing->Customization Dialog tasks - Worksheets and Definitions->Configure IBM Workplace Web Content Management

Parent topic: Installation Scenarios.

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -


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