Restoring the Deployment Manager node
1. Reinstall IBM WAS Network Deployment V5.1 with the same parameters/features as used at the time of the initial system setup. Specify the same values for node name, host name and cell name in the setup dialog as during the previous installation. The setup process initially configures an empty cell without any federated nodes or appservers. For information on installing WAS Network Deployment V5.0 and higher, refer to redbook IBM WAS V5.0 System Management and Configuration: WebSphere Handbook Series, SG24-6195 or to the WebSphere V5.1 InfoCenter.
2. If the Deployment Manager process is running after installation, stop it using the stopManager command. 3. Reinstall all fixes and fixpacks that were previously installed on the system using the Updateinstaller product. The Updateinstaller comes with fixpacks, but can also be obtained separately from the WebSphere support page at
by selecting Updateinstaller in the Self Help -> Download section. Refer to the included readme file and documentation on how to use the Updateinstaller program.
Attention: The Deployment Manager must have the highest fix level in the entire cell!
4. Restore a previously taken configuration backup using the restoreConfig command (see Example A-2). The initial cell configuration data will automatically be backed up and replaced by the restored configuration in this step. Example: A-2 Restoring a configuration using restoreConfig.bat
C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\bin>restoreConfig.bat dm_backup_2003-11-28.zipADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in fileC:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\logs\restoreConfig.logADMU0505I: Servers found in configuration:ADMU0506I: Server name: dmgrADMU2010I: Stopping all server processes for node dmManagerADMU0510I: Server dmgr is now STOPPEDADMU5502I: The directory C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\config already exists;renaming to C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\config.oldADMU5504I: Restore location successfully renamedADMU5505I: Restoring file to locationC:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\config.........................................................................................................................................ADMU5506I: 138 files successfully restoredADMA6001I: Begin App Preparation -ADMA6009I: Processing complete.
5. Check the status of the nodes using the Administrative Console: find all previously defined nodes, Node Agents, appservers, enterprise applications, etc. 6. Start the Deployment Manager by using the startManager command. 7. Optionally update the cell configuration with the latest changes since the backup snapshot was taken. Save and synchronize the configuration. Any changes made to the individual appservers will be lost because they are overwritten by the master configuration data from the Deployment Manager node.
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