Web modules

This section explains the parameters that can be set for Web modules.


Web application - Distributable

The distributable flag for J2EE Web applications specifies that the Web application is programmed to be deployed in a distributed servlet container.

Important: Web applications should be marked as Distributable if, and only if, they will be deployed in a WAS clustered environment.


Web application - Reload interval

The reload interval specifies a time interval, in seconds, in which the Web application's file system is scanned for updated files, such as servlet class files or JSPs.

The Reload interval can be defined at different levels for various application components. Generally, the reload interval specifies the time the appserver will wait between checks to see if dependent files have been updated and need to be reloaded. Checking file system time stamps is an expensive operation and should be reduced. The default is 0 (zero). Setting this to a value of 3 seconds is good for a test environment, because the Web site can be updated without restarting the application server. In production environments, checking a few times a day is a more common setting.


Web application - Reloading enabled

This specifies whether file reloading is enabled. The default is false.


Web application - Web components - Load on startup

Indicates whether a servlet is to be loaded at the startup of the Web application. The default is false.

Many servlets perform resource allocation and other up-front processing in the servlet init() method. These initialization routines can be costly at runtime. By specifying Load on startup for these servlets, processing takes place when the appserver is started. This avoids runtime delays, which can be encountered on a servlet's initial access.

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