Enterprise bean modules
This section explains the enterprise bean module parameters mentioned above in detail.
Note Although WAS 5.1 also supports EJB 2.0, the following information refers to EJB 1.1 settings.
Entity EJBs - Bean cache
WAS provides significant flexibility in the management of database data with Entity EJBs. The Entity EJBs Activate at and Load at configuration settings specify how and when to load and cache data from the corresponding database row data of an enterprise bean. These configuration settings provide the capability to specify enterprise bean caching Options A, B or C, as specified in the EJB 1.1 specification.
Option A provides maximum enterprise bean performance by caching database data outside of the transaction scope. Generally, Option A is only applicable where the EJB container has exclusive access to the given database. Otherwise, data integrity is compromised. Option B provides more aggressive caching of Entity EJB object instances, which can result in improved performance over Option C, but also results in greater memory usage. Option C is the most common real-world configuration for Entity EJBs. Bean cache - Activate at
This setting specifies the point at which an enterprise bean is activated and placed in the cache. Removal from the cache and passivation are also governed by this setting. Valid values are Once and Transaction. Once indicates that the bean is activated when it is first accessed in the server process, and passivated (and removed from the cache) at the discretion of the container, for example when the cache becomes full. Transaction indicates that the bean is activated at the start of a transaction and passivated (and removed from the cache) at the end of the transaction. The default value is Transaction. Bean cache - Load at
This setting specifies when the bean loads its state from the database. The value of this property implies whether the container has exclusive or shared access to the database. Valid values are Activation and Transaction. Activation indicates the bean is loaded when it is activated and implies that the container has exclusive access to the database. Transaction indicates that the bean is loaded at the start of a transaction and implies that the container has shared access to the database. The default is Transaction.
The settings of the Activate at and Load at properties govern which commit options are used. For Option A (exclusive database access), use Activate at = Once and Load at = Activation.
This option reduces database input/output by avoiding calls to the ejbLoad function, but serializes all transactions accessing the bean instance. Option A can increase memory usage by maintaining more objects in the cache, but can provide better response time if bean instances are not generally accessed concurrently by multiple transactions.
For Option B (shared database access), use Activate at = Once and Load at = Transaction.
Note When using WebSphere Network Deployment and workload management is enabled, Option A cannot be used. You must use settings that result in the use of Options B or C.
Option B can increase memory usage by maintaining more objects in the cache. However, because each transaction creates its own copy of an object, there can be multiple copies of an instance in memory at any given time (one per transaction), requiring the database be accessed at each transaction. If an enterprise bean contains a significant number of calls to the ejbActivate function, using Option B can be beneficial because the required object is already in the cache. Otherwise, this option does not provide significant benefit over Option A. For Option C (shared database access), use Activate at = Transaction and Load at = Transaction.
This option can reduce memory usage by maintaining fewer objects in the cache. However, there can be multiple copies of an instance in memory at any given time (one per transaction). This option can reduce transaction contention for enterprise bean instances that are accessed concurrently but not updated.
Method extensions - Isolation level
WAS enterprise bean method extensions provide settings to specify the level of transactional isolation used when accessing data.
Isolation level settings specify various degrees of runtime data integrity provided by the corresponding database. First, choose a setting that meets data integrity requirements for the given application and specific database characteristics.
The valid values are:
Repeatable read
Read committed
Read uncommitted Isolation level also plays an important role in performance. Higher isolation levels reduce performance by increasing row locking and database overhead while reducing data access concurrency. Various databases provide different behavior with respect to the isolation settings. In general, Repeatable read is an appropriate setting for DB2 databases. Read committed is generally used for Oracle. Oracle does not support Repeatable read and will translate this setting to the highest isolation level of Serializable.
The Isolation level can be specified at the bean or method level. Therefore, it is possible to configure different isolation level settings for various methods. This is an advantage when some methods require higher isolation than others, and can be used to achieve maximum performance while maintaining integrity requirements. However, isolation cannot change between method calls within a single enterprise bean transaction. A runtime exception will be thrown in this case.
The following section describes the four isolation levels: Serializable
This level prohibits the following types of reads: Dirty reads: A transaction reads a database row containing uncommitted changes from a second transaction. Nonrepeatable reads: One transaction reads a row, a second transaction changes the same row, and the first transaction rereads the row and gets a different value. Phantom reads: One transaction reads all rows that satisfy an SQL WHERE condition, a second transaction inserts a row that also satisfies the WHERE condition, and the first transaction applies the same WHERE condition and gets the row inserted by the second transaction. Repeatable read
This level prohibits dirty reads and nonrepeatable reads, but it allows phantom reads. Read committed
This level prohibits dirty reads, but allows nonrepeatable reads and phantom reads. Read uncommitted
This level allows dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantom reads.
The container uses the transaction isolation level attribute as follows: Session beans and entity beans with bean-managed persistence (BMP):
For each database connection used by the bean, the container sets the transaction isolation level at the start of each transaction unless the bean explicitly sets the isolation level on the connection. Entity beans with container-managed persistence (CMP):
The container generates database access code that implements the specified isolation level.
Method extensions - Access intent
WAS enterprise bean method extensions provide settings to specify individual enterprise bean methods as read-only. This setting denotes whether the method can update entity attribute data (or invoke other methods that can update data in the same transaction).
Enterprise beans with CMP Version 1.x that are packaged in EJB 2.x-compliant modules.
Note This setting is applicable only for EJB 1.x-compliant beans, that is:
EJB 1.x compliant entity beans To specify the access intent for EJB 2.x-compliant beans, select an access intent policy.
By default, all enterprise bean methods are assumed to be "update" methods. This results in EJB Entity data always being persisted back to the database at the close of the enterprise bean transaction. Marking enterprise methods that do not update entity attributes as Access Intent Read, provides a significant performance improvement by allowing the WAS EJB container to skip the unnecessary database update.
A behavior for "finder" methods for CMP Entity EJBs is available. By default, WAS will invoke a Select for Update query for CMP enterprise bean finder methods such as findByPrimaryKey. This exclusively locks the database row for the duration of the enterprise bean transaction. However, if the enterprise bean finder method has been marked as Access Intent Read, the container will not issue the For Update on the select, resulting in only a read lock on the database row.
Container transactions
The container transaction setting specifies how the container manages transaction scopes when delegating invocation to the enterprise bean individual business method. The legal values are:
Requires New
Not Supported
Bean Managed The container transactions attribute can be specified individually for one or more enterprise bean methods. Enterprise bean methods not requiring transactional behavior can be configured as Supports to reduce container transaction management overhead.
The following section describes the legal values in detail: Never
This legal value directs the container to invoke bean methods without a transaction context. If the client invokes a bean method from within a transaction context, the container throws the java.rmi.RemoteException exception.
If the client invokes a bean method from outside a transaction context, the container behaves in the same way as if the Not Supported transaction attribute was set. The client must call the method without a transaction context. Mandatory
This legal value directs the container to always invoke the bean method within the transaction context associated with the client. If the client attempts to invoke the bean method without a transaction context, the container throws the javax.jts.TransactionRequiredException exception to the client. The transaction context is passed to any enterprise bean object or resource accessed by an enterprise bean method.
Enterprise bean clients that access these entity beans must do so within an existing transaction. For other enterprise beans, the enterprise bean or bean method must implement the Bean Managed value or use the Required or Requires New value. For non-enterprise bean EJB clients, the client must invoke a transaction by using the javax.transaction.UserTransaction interface. Requires New
This legal value directs the container to always invoke the bean method within a new transaction context, regardless of whether the client invokes the method within or outside a transaction context. The transaction context is passed to any enterprise bean objects or resources that are used by this bean method. Required
This legal value directs the container to invoke the bean method within a transaction context. If a client invokes a bean method from within a transaction context, the container invokes the bean method within the client transaction context. If a client invokes a bean method outside a transaction context, the container creates a new transaction context and invokes the bean method from within that context. The transaction context is passed to any enterprise bean objects or resources that are used by this bean method. Supports
This legal value directs the container to invoke the bean method within a transaction context if the client invokes the bean method within a transaction. If the client invokes the bean method without a transaction context, the container invokes the bean method without a transaction context. The transaction context is passed to any enterprise bean objects or resources that are used by this bean method. Not Supported
This legal value directs the container to invoke bean methods without a transaction context. If a client invokes a bean method from within a transaction context, the container suspends the association between the transaction and the current thread before invoking the method on the enterprise bean instance. The container then resumes the suspended association when the method invocation returns. The suspended transaction context is not passed to any enterprise bean objects or resources that are used by this bean method. Bean Managed
This value notifies the container that the bean class directly handles transaction demarcation. This property can be specified only for session beans and (in EJB 2.0 implementations only) for message-driven beans, not for individual bean methods.
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