Verifying BeenThere
The last step is to verify that BeenThere is working correctly. Follow these steps to verify the configuration:
1. Open the BeenThere start page. Point your browser to the following URL: http://<your_caching_proxy>/wlm/beenthere
In our environment:
Notes: resolves to the IP address of our caching proxy ( The caching proxy then points to the Web server cluster ( associated with the Load Balancer machine ( If you encounter problems accessing BeenThere through your Web server or caching proxy, you can try to access BeenThere directly via your appserver's embedded HTTP transport using: http://<your_app_server>:9080/wlm/beenthere
In our environment, the URL is:
The port number depends on your configuration.
2. Enter 6 for the number of Bean Iterations and click Execute. The result should look like Figure 7-36. As you can see, the request has first gone to server app2, then the six EJB requests have been workload managed across the EJB cluster members on both appserver nodes app1 and app2. This demonstrated EJB weighted round robin workload management.
Remember that there was only one request to the Web cluster, so you cannot see Web container workload management on the BeenThere page.
3. Reload the page without changing the number of Bean Iterations. You should see that the next request to the Web cluster has been workload managed. The servlet node should now be app1 instead of app2.
Figure 7-36 BeenThere demonstrating EJB workload management
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