The plug-in log
This log is specified in the plugin-cfg.xml file on the Log element as follows:
<Log LogLevel="Trace" Name="C:\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\http_plugin.log"/>The LogLevel can be set to:
Stats (see LogLevel Stats (new in WebSphere V5.1))
Trace (see Trace) Error contains the least information and Trace contains the most.
If you select Trace, then there is much information created for each access to the Web server. This setting should not be used in a normally functioning environment, because the file will rapidly grow and there will be a significant reduction in performance. To learn more about Trace, see 5.6.2, Trace.
The name of the log file is, by default, <WAS_HOME>/logs/http_plugin.log. On a remote Web server where WAS is not running, the log file resides on the Web server, not the appserver. Each Web server in the environment that is configured with the WebSphere plug-in will write its own copy of the plug-in log to its local file system.
If you wish to change the location of the log, change the name value and a new log will be created and used the next time the plug-in refreshes its configuration; see 5.4.3, Generation of the plug-in configuration file.
Every time the Web server starts, it will create the plug-in log if it does not exist. This is a simple way to see if the plug-in is running. If there is no log created when the Web server is started, then either the plug-in was not initialized or it was unable to create or open the log. Make sure that wherever you place the log, the Web server has the authority to create and modify files.
If there is a problem with settings, creation, or modification of the log, an error will appear in the Web server log.
Successful startup will be signified by lines similar to those shown in Example 5-12 appearing in the log.
Example 5-12 Message shown on a successful startup on Windows
..PLUGIN: Plugins loaded.PLUGIN: --------------------System Information-----------------------PLUGIN: Bld version: 5.1.0PLUGIN: Bld date: Nov 4 2003, 22:35:21PLUGIN: Webserver: IBM_HTTP_Server/ Apache/2.0.46 (Win32)PLUGIN: Hostname = web2PLUGIN: OS version 5.0, build 2195, 'Service Pack 4'PLUGIN: --------------------------------------------------------------..
LogLevel Stats (new in WebSphere V5.1)
The plug-in has been enhanced to support a new log level called Stats. When this log level is selected, it will list all ERROR and WARNING messages as well as additional server usage statistics and server status used for server selection. For every request the two messages shown in Example 5-13 are logged.
Example 5-13 Messages for Stats Loglevel
[Mon Jul 28 11:30:34 2003] 0004cd88 00000001 - STATS: ws_server_group: serverGroupCheckServerStatus: Checking status of Clone271, ignoreWeights 0, markedDown 0, retryNow 0, wlbAllows 1 reachedMaxConnectionsLimit 0[Mon Jul 28 11:30:34 2003] 0004cd88 00000001 - STATS: ws_server: serverSetFailoverStatus: Server Clone271 : pendingConnections 0 failedConnections 0 affinityConnections 0 totalConnections 1.
There will be more than one occurrence of the serverGroupCheckServerStatus message if the server was not selectable for the current request.
The following server status attributes are used to decide whether the server can handle the request:
ignoreWeights: This indicates whether the current request should ignore weights. This will be set to 1 if the request has an associated affinity server or if the load balancing is chosen to be random. markedDown: This indicates whether the server is currently marked down and can't be selected for the current request. retryNow: This indicates that the marked down server can be retried now. wlbAllows: This indicates whether the current server has positive weights. A server can be selected only if it has positive weights when weights can't be ignored (ignoreWeights set to 0). reachedMaxConnectionsLimit: This indicates whether the current server has reached maximum pending connections. A server won't be selected if this attribute has a value of 1. The following are the additional server statistics. This information is logged after getting the response from the server for the current request. Note that this statistic is collected per process.
pendingConnections: Number of requests for which response is yet to be received from the server. failedConnections: Number of failed requests to the server. affinityConnections: Number of requests that are going to an affinity server. totalConnections: Total number of requests that are handled by the server.
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