Setup and configuration

It is easy to configure the MSCS cluster using the Microsoft graphical setup wizard. Cluster service setup requires less than 10 mouse clicks on the first cluster node, and less than four on the second. There are many documents and books that discuss MSCS configurations. Microsoft also provides a detailed step-by-step configuration guide at:

The minimum hardware requirements for a MSCS cluster are two PC servers, a shared disk, a private network (Ethernet) and a public network (Ethernet or token-ring). As an option, you can add additional networks and network adapters to eliminate network single points of failures. The operating system can be either Windows NT or Windows 2000. You must use identical versions of the operating system on both PC server nodes in a cluster.

The Microsoft graphical setup wizard makes the installation and configuration of MSCS very easy. It is highly automated. During the installation process, some nodes will be shut down and some nodes will be rebooted to protect data in your shared disk. When multiple nodes try to simultaneously write to the same disk that is not yet protected by the cluster software, the data on your shared disk may be lost or corrupted. Therefore, you need to follow the power sequencing for cluster installation as described in the Microsoft step-by-step guide. There are several steps to configure a Microsoft Cluster Service:

1. Set up the base operating system, disks, and networks:

You need to install the base operating system (for example, Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Windows 2000 Datacenter Server). Each node should have two network adapters, for the public and private networks. You need to have one IP address for the cluster with which WebSphere will connect, and four additional IP addresses for the public and private networks. All shared disks must be configured as basic (not dynamic) and formatted as NTFS. If you use SCSI devices, you need to assign unique SCSI identification numbers.

2. Install MSCS on one node, create the cluster in progress:

Use the Cluster Service Configuration wizard. You must shut down other nodes and power on the shared disk before you do this.

3. Install MSCS on the other node, join the cluster:

After you finish the first node and shared disk installation, start the Cluster Service Configuration wizard on the second node. Installing the cluster service on the second node requires less time, since some settings are available from the first node. You must make sure that the cluster service is running on the first node and the shared disks are powered up. Select to join the cluster you created on the first node. You can check the cluster by selecting Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Cluster Administrator.

4. Database (DB2, Oracle, SQL Server) and instance creation:

Install the database software on each node as usual (see the manual for each database product). For SQL Server, just run the Cluster Failover wizard. For others, you either can use a utility such as db2mscs, or configure the group manually with the Microsoft wizard.

5. Test the cluster configuration:

Connect WebSphere to the database with the cluster IP address. The first verification test would be to try to move the database group from one node to another using Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Cluster Administrator. Click the group you selected, and choose Move. Then you can try to stop services, disconnect cables, and shut down nodes.

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