Programming clients for transparent failover
For a Web client, requests are directed to one of many Web servers (through a sprayer such as the Load Balancer that is part of the WebSphere Network Deployment Edge Components), then redirected to one of many WebSphere Web containers (through plug-in WLM). Requested servlets may use EJBs or data sources. For a servlet, you may elect to bootstrap to one of many appservers or Node Agents or Deployment Manager (where the naming service is hosted, WebSphere V5.1 hosts a naming service in all of its server processes), then create and/or find a bean or a data source.
Similarly, for a Java client, you may elect to bootstrap to one of many appservers or Node Agents or Deployment Manager, then create and/or find a bean or a data source.
WebSphere groups SQLExceptions that may cause stale connections in a new exception called StaleConnectionException that extends SQLException (
If you use the optimistic concurrency, you can also catch the OptimisticUpdateFailureException or TransactionRolledBackException and retry.
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