Setting the instrumentation levels
On the surface, setting the instrumentation levels with the Tivoli Performance Viewer is similar to setting the levels with the Administrative Console. However, you will see that if you opt to customize the settings you can do so at a more granular level using the Tivoli Performance Viewer.
1. To open the Performance Monitoring Settings window, click Data Collection in the left pane of the Tivoli Performance Viewer main window. 2. Select the Current Activity radio button in the right pane. Alternatively, select File -> Current Activity to view the monitoring settings.
Figure 16-12 Setting the instrumentation levels
3. Select the setting for each server. You can choose None, Standard, or Custom. To customize the settings: a. Select Custom and click the Specify... button. b. Select a resource category in the hierarchy and select the required monitoring level on the right. c. Click OK to close the window. 4. When done, click Apply.
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