Set up Caching Proxy
To configure Caching Proxy, you need to edit the Caching Proxy configuration file in directory C:\Program Files\IBM\edge\cp\etc\en_US\ibmproxy.conf:
1. Open the configuration file using WordPad (or NotePad).
AIX: On the AIX platform, the file ibmproxy.conf is located in directory opt/ibm/edge/cp/etc/en_US. Open the file using the vi editor, for example.
2. Search for the Hostname directive in the configuration file. Change the default value to the fully qualified name of your host, as illustrated in Figure 7-2.
Figure 7-2 Caching Proxy configuration - set fully qualified hostname
3. Look for the Port directive. Its default value is 80. We accept that for now. If you run another service on port 80, for example an HTTP server, then change it to another value. The most common port number for a proxy server is 8080. 4. If you have lots of traffic on your system, move the log files to a different drive or volume group. To do that, search for AccessLog which is found in the Logging directives section. Here you will find also other log file directives. Change them according to your needs. 5. As the last but most important configuration step look for the following text: *** START NEW MAPPING RULES SECTION ***
Below this line, you need to insert three new lines as shown in Example 7-1 (Proxy, ReversePass for http, and ReversePass for https). Please note that the text for these lines needs to be on one line!
Example 7-1 Proxy configuration directives
# NOTE: The installation defaults should be added below# *** START NEW MAPPING RULES SECTION ***Proxy /****** *** END NEW MAPPING RULES SECTION ***
6. Save the configuration file.
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