Prerequisites and installation
We were using the current OpenSTA Version 1.4.2 to test our sample topology described in Chapter 7, Implementing the sample topology. The listed requirements are for that version only. See the latest release notes and the download package for the most up-to-date system requirements, found at:
Software requirements
Windows 2000
Windows NT with service pack 5
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.5 (minimum, can be obtained from
Supported Web browsers for script recording
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4, 5, and 6
Netscape Navigator 4.7
Note Other browsers (for example, Opera, etc.) can be used for script recording, but their proxy settings have to be configured manually instead of being configured automatically by the OpenSTA Script Modeler.
Install OpenSTA by running the setup wizard and following on-screen directions.
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