Performance data counters
Each resource category (module) has its own set of performance data counters. Those counters have particular properties, for example the rating impact and data type.
A complete list of all performance data counters for each resource category is included in the WAS V5.1 InfoCenter article "Performance data organization". There is a separate table for each resource category. As an example, the ORB counters are shown in Table 16-2.
Table 16-2
Name Description Ver-sion Granularity Type Level reference
LookupTimeThe time (in milliseconds) to look up an object reference before method dispatch can be carried out 5.0 ORB Time
StatisticMedium numRequest The total number of requests sent to the ORB 5.0 ORB Count
StatisticLow concurrent
RequestsThe number of requests that are concurrently processed by the ORB 5.0 ORB Range
StatisticHigh processing
TimeThe time (in milliseconds) it takes a registered portable interceptor to run 5.0 per interceptor Time
StatisticMedium Counter information for ORB service PMI Client package
In Table 16-2:
Version refers to the version of WAS when the counter was introduced into the PMI framework. Granularity refers to the unit to which data collection is applied for that counter. Type refers to the performance data classification as described in 16.2.1, Performance data classification. Level refers to the instrumentation level for which this counter is included. We will cover instrumentation levels in 16.2.4, Instrumentation levels.
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