Install Trade3.1 using the installation script
You can alternatively use the installation script that comes with Trade3 to install Trade3 into a cluster. The cluster is created while running the installation script. Perform the following steps:
1. Open a Windows command window and change to the C:\software\t3install directory (assuming the files were extracted to this directory).
AIX: Change to (assuming the files were extracted to this directory):
2. Run the WAS Network Deployment setupCmdLine script to setup your shell environment. C:\software\t3install>C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\bin\setupCmdLine
AIX: On AIX, do the following:
/tmp/t3install # /usr/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/bin/setupCmdLine.bat
3. Start the Deployment Manager: C:\software\t3install>C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\bin\startManager
AIX: On AIX, do the following:
/tmp/t3install # /usr/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/bin/startManager
4. Start the Node Agent: C:\software\t3install>C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\startNode
AIX: On AIX, do the following:
/tmp/t3install # /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/startNode
5. Install Trade3 jDBC/JMS resources and application interactively: C:\software\t3install>C:\WebSphere\DeploymentManager\bin\wsadmin -f Trade3.jacl config_install
AIX: On AIX, do the following:
/tmp/t3install # /usr/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/bin/wsadmin -f Trade3.jacl config_install
A dialog launches where you need to enter the following settings:
a. Enter a new cluster name: TradeCluster b. Enter your node name. This means the node that contains a JMS server. c. Enter your node name again. This means the node that contains a cluster member. d. Press the Enter key. e. Enter the DataBase type: db2 f. Enter the JDBC Driver Class Path: C:\SQLLIB\java\
Note On AIX, the JDBC Driver Class Path may look like:
g. Enter your DB2 userid: <your_db2_user> (db2admin) h. Enter your DB2 password: <password> (db2admin) i. Enter y which means install the Trade3 application. The needed resources are created and the Trade3 application is deployed. The TradeCluster, TradeClusterServer1, JDBC resources, and JMS resources should be created.
6. Start the jmsserver through the Administrative Console (Servers -> JMS Servers) and verify there are no errors in the jmsserver log. 7. Start the TradeCluster (Servers -> Clusters), and verify there no errors in the server logs. 8. Verify that Trade3 is started (Applications -> Enterprise Applications).
Note During the installation using the Trade3 configuration script we created only one cluster member. If you want more cluster members, you can add them through the Administrative Console (Servers -> Clusters -> <cluster_name> -> Cluster members -> New).
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