Enabling and configuring PMI Request Metrics
Request Metrics are enabled and configured globally for all appservers in the cell. For a single-server environment, the metrics are enabled and configured for all application servers residing on the local node.
The PMI Request Metrics component can be enabled, disabled, and configured at runtime, without having to restart each individual appserver in the cell.
To enable the PMI Request Metrics using the Administrative Console:
1. Select Troubleshooting -> PMI Request Metrics. From here you can do the following: Enable/disable the Request Metrics. Enable an ARM agent. This implies that you have installed an ARM agent that supports Request Metrics. Specify the level of detail on the Request Metrics data, as shown in Figure 16-17. A setting of NONE produces no metrics data. HOPS shows the EJB method invoked, requested URI, or JDBC statement executed, along with the response time. PERF_DEBUG and DEBUG give you more detailed information but are also more performance intensive.
Figure 16-17 PMI Request Metrics configuration pane
As soon as Request Metrics are enabled and a trace level greater than NONE is specified and saved to the WebSphere configuration, trace records are written to the System.out JVM log for all appservers for any incoming Web or EJB request.
See the next section for a detailed description of the trace record format.
Important: In version 5.1, only remote EJB calls entering the RMI activity service are monitored by the PMI Request Metrics component. Hence a servlet calling a local EJB does not produce any metrics data for the bean.
In future releases, different tracing levels will give more instrumentation.
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