Keys are used for XML signature and encryption.
There are two predominant kinds of keys used in the current Web services security implementation...
Public key Examples include Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) encryption and Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) encryption Secret key Examples include Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption In public key-based signature, a message is signed using sender private key and is verified using the sender public key. In public key-based encryption, a message is encrypted using the receiver public key and is decrypted using the receiver private key. In secret key-based signature and encryption, the same key is used by both parties.
While the current implementation of Web services security can support both kinds of keys, there are a few items to note:
- Secret key-based signature is not supported.
- The format of the message differs slightly between public key-based encryption and secret key-based encryption.
Create a new key object
To create a new key object in the key store file, go to...
Console | Servers | Application Servers | server | Web Services: Default bindings for Web Services Security Key Locators | key_locator_name | Keys | NewThe Key Name specifies the name of the key object found in the key store file.
The Key Alias specifies an alias for the key object and is used when the key locator searches for the key objects in the key store.
See also...
- Key locator collection
- Key locator configuration settings
- Key configuration settings
- Key locator
- Securing Web services using XML digital signature
- Key configuration settings