createmq command
Use the createmq command to create a queue manager and messaging broker for embedded messaging.
On Application Server, the createmq command line tool ( or createmq.bat, in the $WAS_HOME\bin directory) creates the queue manager and messaging broker for use by the specified application server.
Note that
- This command is not intended for general administration of queue managers and messaging brokers. You should only use this command where instructed in task descriptions, or on advice from your IBM representative.
- Before running this command, stop the specified server.
createmq command syntax
The command syntax is as follows
createmq was_home cell_name node_name server_name messaging_dir broker_dirParameters...
was_home The $WAS_HOME directory, where WAS is installed.
cell_name The name of the cell within which the queue manager is to exist.
node_name The name of the node agent that the queue manager is to run with.
server_name The name of the server that is to use the queue manager. On Application Server, this is the name of an appserver.
messaging_dir The directory where embedded messaging is installed; for example, on Windows C:\WebSphere\WebSphere MQ
broker_dir The directory where the embedded messaging broker (WEMPS) is installed; for example, on Windows C:\WebSphere\WebSphere MQ\WEMPS You can see details of the Queue Manager creation in the file $WAS_HOME\logs\createMQ.node_name.server_name.log.
Example For Application Server on Windows
createmq "C:\WebSphere\AppServer" BG4IPL BG4IPL server "C:\WebSphere\WebSphere MQ" "C:\WebSphere\WebSphere MQ\WEMPS"The results of this command would be output to the file C:\WebSphere\AppServer\log\createMQ.BG4IPL_server.log
See Also
Manage using command line tools
deletemq command