Class WsJrasTraceLoggerjava.lang.Object | | | | |
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.EventListener,, RASConstants, RASILogger, RASIMaskChangeGenerator, RASIMaskChangeListener, RASIObject, RASITraceEvent, RASITraceLogger,,
- public class WsJrasTraceLogger
- extends RASTraceLogger
- implements RASITraceEvent,,
The WsJRasTraceLogger class extends the RASTraceLogger class and implements the RASITraceLogger interface. Users must not directly create an instance of a WsJRasTraceLogger. Instead, the Manager class must be used to obtain an instance.
A WsJrasTraceLogger can be used to publish a diagnostic trace event to both the WebSphere run time as well as user-defined diagnostic trace event consumers. Diagnostic trace events published to the WebSphere run time are viewed and managed using the normal WebSphere diagnostic trace event viewing and management facilities. By default, diagnostic trace event logging is disabled when a WsJrasTraceLogger is created.
Four basic tracing methods are provided by the RASITraceLogger interface. They are entry, exit, trace and exception. When tracing in non-static methods, the entry, exit, trace and exception methods that take a "this" (the object being traced) as the second parameter. This is a convenience to the programmer, as the class name can be derived from any Object. For static methods, an object does not exist. Use the entry, exit, trace and exception methods which take String className as the second parameter.
A base set of types that may be used in the entry, exit, trace and exception methods is defined in the RASITraceEvent class. Users may define their own types by extending this class, but diagnostic trace events of user defined types are ignored by the WebSphere run time. In addition, the base types may be mapped to native types depending on the WebSphere platform. Consult the user documentation for WebSphere edition you are running on for a description of any such mappings. Note that the entry and exit methods always add RASITraceEvent.TYPE_ENTRY_EXIT to whatever type is selected. It is not necessary to explicitly include TYPE_ENTRY_EXIT.
- See Also:
- RASITraceLogger, RASTraceLogger, RASITraceEvent, RASTraceEvent, RASIHandler, Serialized Form
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class ENTRY, EXIT
Fields inherited from class handlerFailures, isLoggableMask, isLogging
Fields inherited from interface COPYRIGHT
Method Summary void addHandler(RASIHandler handler)
Add a RASIHandler object to the list of Handlers to which this TraceLogger will forward events.void addMessageEventClass(java.lang.String name)
Add the specified name of a message event class to the list of message event classes which this object uses.void entry(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName)
Trace entry into a non-static method.void entry(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object parm1)
Trace entry into a non-static method.void entry(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] parms)
Trace entry into a non-static method.void entry(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object parm1, java.lang.Object parm2)
Trace entry into a non-static method.void entry(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName)
Trace entry into a static method.void entry(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object parm1)
Trace entry into a static method.void entry(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] parms)
Trace entry into a static method.void entry(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object parm1, java.lang.Object parm2)
Trace entry into a static method.void exception(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Exception exc)
Trace an exception.void exception(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
Trace an Exception in a non-static method.void exception(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Exception exc)
Trace an exception.void exception(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
Trace an Exception in a static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName)
Trace exit from a non-static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, boolean retValue)
Trace exit from a non-static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, byte retValue)
Trace exit from a non-static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, char retValue)
Trace exit from a non-static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, double retValue)
Trace exit from a non-static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, float retValue)
Trace exit from a non-static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, int retValue)
Trace exit from a non-static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, long retValue)
Trace exit from a non-static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object retValue)
Trace exit from a non-static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, short retValue)
Trace exit from a non-static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName)
Trace exit from a static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, boolean retValue)
Trace exit from a static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, byte retValue)
Trace exit from a static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, char retValue)
Trace exit from a static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, double retValue)
Trace exit from a static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, float retValue)
Trace exit from a static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, int retValue)
Trace exit from a static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, long retValue)
Trace exit from a static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object retValue)
Trace exit from a static method.void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, short retValue)
Trace exit from a static getGroup()
Return the name of the RASManager group with which this object is associated.long getMessageMask()
Return the current value of the message mask for this TraceLogger.protected void init()
Initialize this object, setting default values.boolean isSynchronous()
Return a boolean indicating whether or not synchronous logging is in effect.void removeHandler(RASIHandler handler)
Remove a RASIHandler object from the list of Handlers to which this TraceLogger will forward events.void removeMessageEventClass(java.lang.String name)
Remove the specified name of a message event class from the list of message event classes which this object uses.void setLogging(boolean flag)
Set the isLogging boolean to the indicated state.void setLoggingOutput(java.lang.String file)
Set the name of the file to which log entries will be writtenvoid setMessageMask(long mask)
Set the value of the message mask for this logger.void setName(java.lang.String name)
Set the name by which this TraceLogger is known.void setSynchronous(boolean flag)
Set a flag that tells the logger whether to log data synchronously.void stackTrace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName)
Trace the call stack in a non-static method.void stackTrace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text)
Trace the call stack in a non-static method.void stackTrace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName)
Trace the call stack in a static method.void stackTrace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text)
Trace the call stack in a static method.void trace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, byte[] data)
Trace an array of bytes in a non-static method.void trace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text)
Trace data in a non-static method.void trace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text, java.lang.Object parm1)
Trace data in a non-static method.void trace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text, java.lang.Object[] parms)
Trace data in a non-static method.void trace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text, java.lang.Object parm1, java.lang.Object parm2)
Trace data in a non-static method.void trace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, byte[] data)
Trace an array of bytes in a non-static method.void trace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text)
Trace data in a static method.void trace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text, java.lang.Object parm1)
Trace data in a static method.void trace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text, java.lang.Object[] parms)
Trace data in a static method.void trace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text, java.lang.Object parm1, java.lang.Object parm2)
Trace data in a static method.void traceStateChanged()
Methods inherited from class logTrace, logTrace, maskValueChanged
Methods inherited from class fireRASEvent, getClient, getConfig, getHandlers, getServer, isLoggable, isLogging, setClient, setConfig, setServer
Methods inherited from class clone, getDescription, getName, setDescription
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface isLoggable
Methods inherited from interface fireRASEvent, getClient, getConfig, getHandlers, getServer, isLoggable, isLogging, setClient, setConfig, setServer
Methods inherited from interface addMaskChangeListener, addTraceEventClass, fireMaskChangedEvent, getMaskChangeListeners, getMessageEventClasses, getTraceEventClasses, getTraceMask, removeMaskChangeListener, removeTraceEventClass, setTraceMask
Methods inherited from interface getDescription, getName, setDescription
Method Detail init
protected void init()
- Initialize this object, setting default values.
- Overrides:
- init in class RASTraceLogger
public void traceStateChanged()
This method must NOT be called by user code.
Set the state of the traceMask from the underlying state in the TraceComponent hierarchy and update the isLogging boolean accordingly.
This method can either be called from the constructor or from the TraceComponent. The TraceComponent will call back on this method when the underlying trace state has changed and this method will then update the mask in the TraceLogger accordingly. of trace state changes. In order for this to work, Trace Loggers must register themselves with the TraceComponent when the TraceLogger is created.
- Specified by:
- traceStateChanged in interface
public void setLoggingOutput(java.lang.String file)
- Set the name of the file to which log entries will be written
WebSphere will redirect Orb trace entries to internal logs. This method is a no operation.
- Specified by:
- setLoggingOutput in interface
- Parameters:
- file - the name of a file. Ignored.
public void exception(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Exception exc)
- Trace an exception.
- Specified by:
- exception in interface
- Overrides:
- exception in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - the type of the trace point.
- obj - the logging object (this). Must not be null.
- methodName - the name of the logging method. Must not be null.
- exc - the Exception to trace.
public void exception(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Exception exc)
- Trace an exception.
- Specified by:
- exception in interface
- Overrides:
- exception in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - the type of the trace point.
- className - the name of hte logging class. Must not be null.
- methodName - the name of the logging method. Must not be null.
- exc - the Exception to trace.
public void setName(java.lang.String name)
- Set the name by which this TraceLogger is known.
The name of the WebSphere logger is set at construction time and must not be modified by the user. Calling this method results in no operation.
- Specified by:
- setName in interface RASIObject
- Overrides:
- setName in class RASObject
- Parameters:
- name - The name of this object. Input is ignored.
public java.lang.String getGroup()
- Return the name of the RASManager group with which this object is associated.
NOTE: This method may only be called by the RAS Manager.
- Specified by:
- getGroup in interface RASIObject
- Overrides:
- getGroup in class RASObject
- Returns:
- null
public long getMessageMask()
- Return the current value of the message mask for this TraceLogger.
The message mask defines the set of message types that will be processed. By definition, trace loggers do not process message types, this value will always be zero.
- Specified by:
- getMessageMask in interface RASIMaskChangeGenerator
- Overrides:
- getMessageMask in class RASMaskChangeGenerator
- Returns:
- Zero.
public void setMessageMask(long mask)
- Set the value of the message mask for this logger.
The message mask defines the set of message types that will be processed. By definition, trace loggers do not process message types, this is always a no-operation.
- Specified by:
- setMessageMask in interface RASIMaskChangeGenerator
- Overrides:
- setMessageMask in class RASMaskChangeGenerator
- Parameters:
- mask - The message mask. Input is ignored
public void addMessageEventClass(java.lang.String name)
- Add the specified name of a message event class to the list of message event classes which this object uses.
By definition, TraceLoggers do not use message event classes. This method is a no operation.
- Specified by:
- addMessageEventClass in interface RASIMaskChangeGenerator
- Overrides:
- addMessageEventClass in class RASMaskChangeGenerator
- Parameters:
- name - The event class name. Input is ignored.
public void removeMessageEventClass(java.lang.String name)
- Remove the specified name of a message event class from the list of message event classes which this object uses.
By definition, TraceLoggers do not use message event classes. This method is a no operation.
- Specified by:
- removeMessageEventClass in interface RASIMaskChangeGenerator
- Overrides:
- removeMessageEventClass in class RASMaskChangeGenerator
- Parameters:
- name - The event class name. Input is ignored.
public void setLogging(boolean flag)
- Set the isLogging boolean to the indicated state.
- Specified by:
- setLogging in interface
- Overrides:
- setLogging in class RASLogger
- Parameters:
- flag - a boolean, true to indicate logging is enabled.
public void addHandler(RASIHandler handler)
- Add a RASIHandler object to the list of Handlers to which this TraceLogger will forward events.
More than one handler may be associated with a logger to direct the message events to multiple destinations.
- Specified by:
- addHandler in interface RASILogger
- Overrides:
- addHandler in class RASLogger
- Parameters:
- handler - A RAS handler. If the handler is null or is already registered, this method does nothing.
public void removeHandler(RASIHandler handler)
- Remove a RASIHandler object from the list of Handlers to which this TraceLogger will forward events.
- Specified by:
- removeHandler in interface RASILogger
- Overrides:
- removeHandler in class RASLogger
- Parameters:
- handler - A RAS handler. If the handler is null or is not registered, this method does nothing.
public boolean isSynchronous()
- Return a boolean indicating whether or not synchronous logging is in effect.
- Specified by:
- isSynchronous in interface RASILogger
- Overrides:
- isSynchronous in class RASLogger
- Returns:
- true if synchronous logging is in effect. otherwise false. Since logging is required to be synchronous in a WebSphere environment, true is always returned.
public void setSynchronous(boolean flag)
- Set a flag that tells the logger whether to log data synchronously.
When logging synchronously, the logger will wait for the handlers to write a log entry before returning to the caller. Otherwise, the log entry is passed to the handler and the logger returns.
By definition, logging in a WebSphere environment is required to be synchronous. Calling this method results in no-operations.
- Specified by:
- setSynchronous in interface RASILogger
- Overrides:
- setSynchronous in class RASLogger
- Parameters:
- flag - a boolean. Input is ignored.
public void entry(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName)
- Trace entry into a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- entry in interface
- Overrides:
- entry in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
public void entry(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object parm1)
- Trace entry into a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- entry in interface
- Overrides:
- entry in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- parm1 - An element to be displayed as trace data.
public void entry(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object parm1, java.lang.Object parm2)
- Trace entry into a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- entry in interface
- Overrides:
- entry in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- parm1 - An element to be displayed as trace data.
- parm2 - An element to be displayed as trace data.
public void entry(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] parms)
- Trace entry into a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- entry in interface
- Overrides:
- entry in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- parms - An array of parameters passed to the method.
public void entry(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName)
- Trace entry into a static method.
- Specified by:
- entry in interface
- Overrides:
- entry in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
public void entry(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object parm1)
- Trace entry into a static method.
- Specified by:
- entry in interface
- Overrides:
- entry in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- parm1 - An element to be displayed as trace data.
public void entry(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object parm1, java.lang.Object parm2)
- Trace entry into a static method.
- Specified by:
- entry in interface
- Overrides:
- entry in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- parm1 - An element to be displayed as trace data.
- parm2 - An element to be displayed as trace data.
public void entry(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] parms)
- Trace entry into a static method.
- Specified by:
- entry in interface
- Overrides:
- entry in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- parms - An array of elements to be displayed as trace data.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName)
- Trace exit from a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, byte retValue)
- Trace exit from a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, short retValue)
- Trace exit from a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, int retValue)
- Trace exit from a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, long retValue)
- Trace exit from a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, float retValue)
- Trace exit from a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, double retValue)
- Trace exit from a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, char retValue)
- Trace exit from a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, boolean retValue)
- Trace exit from a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object retValue)
- Trace exit from a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName)
- Trace exit from a static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, byte retValue)
- Trace exit from a static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, short retValue)
- Trace exit from a static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, int retValue)
- Trace exit from a static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, long retValue)
- Trace exit from a static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, float retValue)
- Trace exit from a static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, double retValue)
- Trace exit from a static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, char retValue)
- Trace exit from a static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, boolean retValue)
- Trace exit from a static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void exit(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object retValue)
- Trace exit from a static method.
- Specified by:
- exit in interface
- Overrides:
- exit in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- retValue - The returned value.
public void trace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text)
- Trace data in a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- trace in interface
- Overrides:
- trace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- text - The trace text.
public void trace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text, java.lang.Object parm1)
- Trace data in a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- trace in interface
- Overrides:
- trace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- text - The trace text.
- parm1 - An element to be displayed as trace data.
public void trace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text, java.lang.Object parm1, java.lang.Object parm2)
- Trace data in a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- trace in interface
- Overrides:
- trace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- text - The trace text.
- parm1 - An element to be displayed as trace data.
- parm2 - An element to be displayed as trace data.
public void trace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text, java.lang.Object[] parms)
- Trace data in a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- trace in interface
- Overrides:
- trace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- text - The trace text.
- parms - An array of elements to be displayed with the text.
public void trace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text)
- Trace data in a static method.
- Specified by:
- trace in interface
- Overrides:
- trace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- text - The trace text.
public void trace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text, java.lang.Object parm1)
- Trace data in a static method.
- Specified by:
- trace in interface
- Overrides:
- trace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- text - The trace text.
- parm1 - An element to be displayed as trace data.
public void trace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text, java.lang.Object parm1, java.lang.Object parm2)
- Trace data in a static method.
- Specified by:
- trace in interface
- Overrides:
- trace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- text - The trace text.
- parm1 - An element to be displayed as trace data.
- parm2 - An element to be displayed as trace data.
public void trace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text, java.lang.Object[] parms)
- Trace data in a static method.
- Specified by:
- trace in interface
- Overrides:
- trace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- text - The trace text.
- parms - An array of elements to be displayed as trace data.
public void trace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, byte[] data)
- Trace an array of bytes in a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- trace in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- trace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- data - The array of bytes to be traced.
public void trace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, byte[] data)
- Trace an array of bytes in a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- trace in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- trace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- data - The array of bytes to be traced.
public void exception(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
- Trace an Exception in a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- exception in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exception in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- throwable - Throwable.
public void exception(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
- Trace an Exception in a static method.
- Specified by:
- exception in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- exception in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- throwable - a Throwable.
public void stackTrace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName)
- Trace the call stack in a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- stackTrace in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- stackTrace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
public void stackTrace(long type, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text)
- Trace the call stack in a non-static method.
- Specified by:
- stackTrace in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- stackTrace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- obj - The traced object ("this").
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- text - A message to be displayed with the stack trace.
public void stackTrace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName)
- Trace the call stack in a static method.
- Specified by:
- stackTrace in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- stackTrace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
public void stackTrace(long type, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String text)
- Trace the call stack in a static method.
- Specified by:
- stackTrace in interface RASITraceLogger
- Overrides:
- stackTrace in class RASTraceLogger
- Parameters:
- type - The type of the trace point.
- className - The name of the traced class.
- methodName - The name of the traced method.
- text - A message to be displayed with the stack trace.
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