Class RASQueue

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RASQueue
extends java.lang.Object
implements RASIQueue

RASQueue is a buffer for RAS events. If the size of the queue is set to zero, the queue is not limited in capacity (except by the amount of memory installed in the computer). If the size is greater than zero, the queue will hold the specified number of objects.

See Also:
RASIQueue, RASCircularQueue

Constructor Summary
          Creates a RASQueue, whose size is unbounded.
RASQueue(int size)
          Creates a RASQueue.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object dequeue()
          Removes an object from the beginning of the queue.
 void enqueue(java.lang.Object object)
          Adds an object to the end of the queue.
 java.lang.Object firstObject()
          Returns the first object on the queue, but does not remove it from the queue.
 int getMaximumQueueSize()
          Gets the maximum number of objects which this queue will hold.
 int getQueueSize()
          Gets the current number of objects in this queue.
 boolean isCircular()
          Determines if the queue is circular.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Determines if the queue is empty.
 boolean isFull()
          Determines if the queue is full.
 void requeue(java.lang.Object object)
          Returns an object to the front of the queue.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RASQueue()
Creates a RASQueue, whose size is unbounded.


public RASQueue(int size)
         throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Creates a RASQueue.

size - The number of objects that can be held in this queue.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - This exception is thrown if the size parameter is less than zero.
Method Detail


public int getQueueSize()
Gets the current number of objects in this queue.

Specified by:
getQueueSize in interface RASIQueue
The current queue size.


public int getMaximumQueueSize()
Gets the maximum number of objects which this queue will hold.

Specified by:
getMaximumQueueSize in interface RASIQueue
The maximum queue size.


public boolean isEmpty()
Determines if the queue is empty.

Specified by:
isEmpty in interface RASIQueue
true if the queue is empty or false otherwise.


public boolean isFull()
Determines if the queue is full.

Specified by:
isFull in interface RASIQueue
true if the queue is full or false otherwise.


public boolean isCircular()
Determines if the queue is circular. A circular queue always accepts new objects. If all slots are full, a new object replaces the oldest object in the queue.

Specified by:
isCircular in interface RASIQueue
true if this queue is circular, or false otherwise. This queue always returns false.


public void enqueue(java.lang.Object object)
             throws RASQueueFullException
Adds an object to the end of the queue. If the object is null, nothing is enqueued.

Specified by:
enqueue in interface RASIQueue
object - The object to be placed on the queue.
RASQueueFullException - This exception is thrown if the queue is full.


public java.lang.Object dequeue()
                         throws RASQueueEmptyException
Removes an object from the beginning of the queue.

Specified by:
dequeue in interface RASIQueue
The first object in the queue.
RASQueueEmptyException - This exception is thrown if the queue is empty.


public void requeue(java.lang.Object object)
Returns an object to the front of the queue. If the object is null, nothing is enqueued.

Specified by:
requeue in interface RASIQueue
object - The object to be placed on the queue.


public java.lang.Object firstObject()
                             throws RASQueueEmptyException
Returns the first object on the queue, but does not remove it from the queue.

Specified by:
firstObject in interface RASIQueue
The first object in the queue.
RASQueueEmptyException - This exception is thrown if the queue is empty.


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