Sample configuration

WAS provides the following sample key stores for sample configurations. These sample key stores are for testing and sample purposes only. Do not use them a in production environment.


Default binding cell(and server level)

WebSphere Application Server provides the following default binding information...

Trust anchors Used to validate the trust of the signer certificate.

Collection Certificate Store Used to validate the certificate path.

Key Locators Used to locate the key for signature, encryption, and decryption.

  • SampleClientSignerKey is used by the requesting sender to sign the SOAP message. The signing key name is clientsignerkey, which can be referenced in the signing information as the signing key name.

  • SampleServerSignerKey is used by the responding sender to sign the SOAP message. The signing key name is serversignerkey, which can be referenced in the signing information as the signing key name.

  • SampleSenderEncryptionKeyLocator is used by the sender to encrypt the SOAP message. It is configured to use the {USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/enc-sender.jceks keystore and the keystore key locator.

  • SampleReceiverEncryptionKeyLocator is used by the receiver to decrypt the encrypted SOAP message. The implementation is configured to use the {USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/enc-receiver.jceks keystore and the keystore key locator. The implementation is configured for symmetric encryption DES(or TRIPLEDES). However, to use it for asymmetric encryption (RSA), add the private key CN=Bob, O=IBM, C=US, alias name bob, and key password keypass.

  • SampleResponseSenderEncryptionKeyLocator is used by the response sender to encrypt the SOAP response message. It is configured to use the {USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/enc-receiver.jceks keystore and the key locator. This key locator maps an authenticated identity (of the current thread) to a public key for encryption. By default, WAS is configured to map to public key alice, and change WebSphere Application Server to the appropriate user. The SampleResponseSenderEncryptionKeyLocator key locator also can set a default key for encryption. By default, this key locator is configured to use public key alice.

Trusted ID Evaluator Used to establish trust before asserting to the identity in identity assertion.

SampleTrustedIDEvaluator is configured to use the implementation. The default implementation of contains a list of trusted identities. The list is defined as properties with trustedId_* as the key and the value as the trusted identity. Define this information for the server level in the administration console by completing the following steps...

  1. Click Servers > Application Servers > server.

  2. Under Additional Properties, click Web Services: Default bindings for Web Services Security > Trusted ID Evaluators > SampleTrustedIDEvaluator

Login Mapping Used to authenticate the incoming security token in the Web services security SOAP header of a SOAP message.

The previous default bindings for trust anchors, collection certificate stores, and key locators are for testing or sample purpose only. Do not use them for production.


A sample configuration

The following examples demonstrate what IBM deployment descriptor extensions and bindings can do. The unnecessary information was removed from the examples to improve clarity. Do not copy and paste these examples into your application deployment descriptors or bindings. These examples serve as reference only and are not representative of the recommended configuration.

Use the following tools to create or edit IBM deployment descriptor extensions and bindings:

The following example illustrates a scenario that:

For the response, the SOAP body and time stamp are signed, the body content is encrypted, and the SOAP message freshness is checked using the time stamp. The freshness of the message indicates whether the message complies with predefined time constraints.The request sender and the request receiver are a pair. Similarly, the response sender and the response receiver are a pair.


It is recommended that you use the WebSphere Application Server variables for specifying the path to the key stores. In the administrative console, click Environment > Manage WebSphere Variables. These variables often help with platform differences such as file system naming conventions. In the following examples, ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT} is used for specifying the path to the key stores.

Client-side IBM deployment descriptor extension

The client-side IBM deployment descriptor extension describes the following constraints...

Request Sender

Response Receiver

Example 1: Sample client IBM deployment descriptor extension

The xmi:id statements are removed for readability. These statements must be added for this example to work.

Note that In the following code sample, lines 2 through 4 were split into three lines due to the width of the printed page

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< xmi:version="2.0"
  <serviceRefs serviceRefLink="service/myServ">
    <portQnameBindings portQnameLocalNameLink="Port1">
      <clientServiceConfig actorURI="myActorURI">
        <securityRequestSenderServiceConfig actor="myActorURI">
            <references part="body"/>
            <references part="timestamp"/>
            <references part="securitytoken"/>
            <confidentialParts part="bodycontent"/>
            <confidentialParts part="usernametoken"/>
          <loginConfig authMethod="BasicAuth"/>
          <addCreatedTimeStamp flag="true" expires="PT3M"/>
            <references part="body"/>
            <references part="timestamp"/>
            <confidentialParts part="bodycontent"/>
          <addReceivedTimeStamp flag="true"/>

Client-side IBM extension bindings

Example 2 shows the client-side IBM extension binding for the security constraints described previously in the discussion on client-side IBM deployment descriptor extensions.

The signer key and encryption (decryption) key for the message can be obtained from the keystore key locator implementation ( The signer key is used for encrypting the response. The sample is configured to use the Java Certification Path API to validate the certificate path of the signer of the digital signature. The user name token (basic authentication) data is collected from the standard in (stdin) prompts using one of the default JAAS implementations implementation (

Example 2: Sample client IBM extension binding

Note that In the following code sample, several lines were split into multiple lines due to the width of the printed page. See the close bracket for an indication of where each line of code ends

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< xmi:version="2.0"
  <serviceRefs serviceRefLink="service/MyServ">
    <portQnameBindings portQnameLocalNameLink="Port1">
          <signatureMethod algorithm=""/>
          <signingKey name="clientsignerkey" locatorRef="SampleClientSignerKey"/>
          <canonicalizationMethod algorithm=""/>
          <digestMethod algorithm=""/>
        <keyLocators name="SampleClientSignerKey" classname=
          <keyStore storepass="{xor}PDM2OjEr" path=
          "${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/dsig-sender.ks" type="JKS"/>
          <keys alias="soaprequester" keypass="{xor}PDM2OjEr" name="clientsignerkey"/>
        <encryptionInfo name="EncInfo1">
          <encryptionKey name="CN=Bob, O=IBM, C=US" locatorRef=
          <encryptionMethod algorithm=""/>
          <keyEncryptionMethod algorithm=""/>
        <keyLocators name="SampleSenderEncryptionKeyLocator" classname=
          <keyStore storepass="{xor}LCswLTovPiws" path=
          "${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/enc-sender.jceks" type="JCEKS"/>
          <keys alias="Group1" keypass="{xor}NDomLz4sLA==" name="CN=Group1"/>
        <loginBinding authMethod="BasicAuth" callbackHandler=
          <signatureMethod algorithm=""/>
            <trustAnchorRef ref="SampleClientTrustAnchor"/>
            <certStoreRef ref="SampleCollectionCertStore"/>
          <canonicalizationMethod algorithm=""/>
          <digestMethod algorithm=""/>
        <trustAnchors name="SampleClientTrustAnchor">
          <keyStore storepass="{xor}PDM2OjEr" path=
          "${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/dsig-sender.ks" type="JKS"/>
          <collectionCertStores provider="IBMCertPath" name="SampleCollectionCertStore">
            <x509Certificates path="${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/intca2.cer"/>
        <encryptionInfos name="EncInfo2">
          <encryptionKey locatorRef="SampleReceiverEncryptionKeyLocator"/>
          <encryptionMethod algorithm=""/>
          <keyEncryptionMethod algorithm=""/>
        <keyLocators name="SampleReceiverEncryptionKeyLocator" classname=
          <keyStore storepass="{xor}PDM2OjEr" path=
          "${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/dsig-sender.ks" type="JKS"/>
          <keys alias="soaprequester" keypass="{xor}PDM2OjEr" name="clientsignerkey"/>

Server-side IBM deployment descriptor extension

The client-side IBM deployment descriptor extension describes the following constraints:

Request Receiver (ibm-webservices-ext.xmi and ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi)

Response Sender (ibm-webservices-ext.xmi and ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi)

Example 3: Sample server IBM deployment descriptor extension

Note that In the following code sample, several lines were split into multiple lines due to the width of the printed page. See the close bracket for an indication of where each line of code ends

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< xmi:version="2.0"
  <wsDescExt wsDescNameLink="MyServ">
    <pcBinding pcNameLink="Port1">
      <serverServiceConfig actorURI="myActorURI">
            <references part="body"/>
            <references part="timestamp"/>
            <references part="securitytoken"/>
            <confidentialParts part="bodycontent"/>
            <confidentialParts part="usernametoken"/>
            <authMethods text="BasicAuth"/>
          <addReceivedTimestamp flag="true"/>
        <securityResponseSenderServiceConfig actor="myActorURI">
            <references part="body"/>
            <references part="timestamp"/>
            <confidentialParts part="bodycontent"/>
          <addCreatedTimestamp flag="true" expires="PT3M"/>

Server-side IBM extension bindings

The following binding information reuses some of the default binding information defined either at the server level or the cell level, which depends upon the installation. For example, request receiver is referencing the SampleCollectionCertStore certification store and the SampleServerTrustAnchor trust store is defined in the default binding. However, the encryption information in the request receiver is referencing a SampleReceiverEncryptionKeyLocator key locator defined in the application-level binding (the same ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi file). The response sender is configured to use the signer key of the digital signature of the request to encrypt the response using one of the default key locator ( implementations.

Example 4: Sample server IBM extension binding

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< xmi:version="2.0"
  <wsdescBindings wsDescNameLink="MyServ">
    <pcBindings pcNameLink="Port1" scope="Session">
          <signatureMethod algorithm=""/>
            <trustAnchorRef ref="SampleServerTrustAnchor"/>
            <certStoreRef ref="SampleCollectionCertStore"/>
          <canonicalizationMethod algorithm=""/>
          <digestMethod algorithm=""/>
        <encryptionInfos name="EncInfo1">
          <encryptionKey locatorRef="SampleReceiverEncryptionKeyLocator"/>
          <encryptionMethod algorithm=""/>
          <keyEncryptionMethod algorithm=""/>
        <keyLocators name="SampleReceiverEncryptionKeyLocator" classname=
          <keyStore storepass="{xor}LCswLTovPiws" path="${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/
           etc/ws-security/samples/enc-receiver.jceks" type="JCEKS"/>
          <keys alias="Group1" keypass="{xor}NDomLz4sLA==" name="CN=Group1"/>
          <keys alias="bob" keypass="{xor}NDomLz4sLA==" name="CN=Bob, O=IBM, C=US"/>
          <signatureMethod algorithm=""/>
          <signingKey name="serversignerkey" locatorRef="SampleServerSignerKey"/>
          <canonicalizationMethod algorithm=""/>
          <digestMethod algorithm=""/>
        <encryptionInfo  name="EncInfo2">
          <encryptionKey locatorRef="SignerKeyLocator"/>
          <encryptionMethod algorithm=""/>
          <keyEncryptionMethod algorithm=""/>
        <keyLocators name="SignerKeyLocator" classname=
  <routerModules transport="http" name="StockQuote.war"/>


See Also

Trust anchors
Collection certificate store
Key locator
Trusted ID evaluator
Request sender
Request receiver
Response sender
Response receiver