SELECT clause
For finder and select queries, the syntax of the SELECT clause is as follows
SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] { single-valued-path-expression | OBJECT ( identification-variable ) }The SELECT clause consists of either a single identification variable that is defined in the FROM clause or a single valued path expression that evaluates to a object reference or CMP value. The keyword DISTINCT can be used to eliminate duplicate references.
For a query that defines a finder method the query must return an object type consistent with the home for which the finder method associated with the query. In other words, a finder method for a department home can not return employee objects.
A scalar-subselect is a subselect that returns a single value.
Example: SELECT clause
Find all employees that earn more than John
SELECT OBJECT(e) FROM EmpBean ej, EmpBean e WHERE = 'John' and e.salary > ej.salaryFind all departments that have one or more employees who earn less than 20000
SELECT DISTINCT e.dept FROM EmpBean e where e.salary < 20000A select method query can have a path expression that evaluates to an arbitrary value
SELECT FROM EmpBean e where e.salary < 2000The above query returns a collection of name values for those departments having employees earning less than 20000.
See Also
EJB query language
Using EJB query