Turn on debugging
- Identify a server and assign it to the servername variable.
set servername [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:cell/Node:node/Server:servername/]Example output:
servername(cells/cell/nodes/node/servers/servername:server.xml#Server_1)- Identify the JVM belonging to this server and assign it to the jvm variable.
set jvm [$AdminConfig list JavaVirtualMachine $servername]Example output:
(cells/cell/nodes/node/servers/servername:server.xml#JavaVirtualMachine_1)- Modify the JVM to turn on debug.
$AdminConfig modify $jvm {{debugMode true} {debugArgs "-Djava.compiler=NONE -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7777"}}- Save the changes:
$AdminConfig saveHere is an example script that turns on debugging: set_debug.jacl