Obtain configuration IDs
To return all the configuration IDs that match the representation of a containment and assign them to a variable, invoke AdminConfig with the getid option. For example:
set var [$AdminConfig getid /type:name/]
One can specify multiple containment path options:
/type:name/type:name/type:name/If you just specify the type without the name, include the colon:
/type:/The containment path must be a path containing the correct hierarchical order. For example, if you specify...
/Server:servername/Node:nodename/...as the containment path, you will not receive a valid configuration ID because Node is parent of Server and should come before Server in the hierarchy.To look for all the server configuration IDs residing in nodename:
set nodeServers [$AdminConfig getid /Node:nodename/Server:/]To look for servername configuration ID residing in nodename:
set servername [$AdminConfig getid /Node:nodename/Server:servername/]To look for all the server configuration IDs:
set servers [$AdminConfig getid /Server:/]You can also obtain the ID of the configuration object with the list command:
set var [$AdminConfig list type]or
set var [$AdminConfig list type scopeId]This command returns a list of configuration object IDs of a given type. If you specify the scopeId, the list of objects returned is within the scope specified. The list returned is assigned to a variable.
To look for all the server configuration IDs:
set servers [$AdminConfig list Server]To look for all the server configuration IDs in nodename:
set scopeid [$AdminConfig getid /Node:nodename/]
set nodeServers [$AdminConfig list Server $scopeid]If there are more than one configuration IDs returned from the getid or list command, the IDs are returned in a list syntax. One way to retrieve a single element from the list is to use the lindex command. The following example retrieves the first configuration ID from the server object list:
set allServers [$AdminConfig getid /Server:/]
set aServer [lindex $allServer 0]