Modify configuration objects


  1. Invoke the AdminConfig object commands

  2. Retrieve the configuration ID of the objects that you want to modify:

    set jdbcProvider1 [$AdminConfig getid /JDBCProvider:ProviderName/]

  3. Show the current attribute values of the configuration object with the show command:

    $AdminConfig show $jdbcProvider1

  4. Modify the attributes of the configuration object:

    $AdminConfig modify $jdbcProvider1 {{description "A Description"}}

    One can also modify several attributes at the same time. For example:

    {{name1 val1} {name2 val2} {name3 val3}}

  5. Save the configuration changes:

    $AdminConfig save

  6. You can use the reset command to undo changes made since your last save.

    $AdminConfig reset