Install the UDDI Registry into a deployment manager cell
These instructions assume that the installation has been performed into a clean environment. If you are installing into an existing Deployment Manager cell, then steps 1 to 5 must be omitted, i.e. skip to bullet 6 immediately.
- Install the WebSphere Application Server for Network Deployment package, and select the UDDI Registry option under Web Services.
- Install one or more base appservers which will form the cell of servers. One of these should be the appserver in which you plan to run an instance of the UDDI Registry. One can run more than one instance of the UDDI Registry within a cell of servers: the UDDI Registry application name will be suffixed with the target node and server names to make it unique within the cell (See also "Advanced use of setupuddi.jacl"), but you can only run one UDDI instance within each appserver.
- Ensure that the target appserver is stopped.
- Run startManager ( on Unix Platforms) on the deployment manager node to start the deployment manager.
START dmgr_proc_name,JOBNAME=server_short_name, ENV=cell_short_name.node_short_name.server_short_name
Note: This command must be entered on a single line. It is split here for display purposes.
On Unix platforms remember to run the db2profile script before issuing the command. This script is located within the DB2 instance's home directory under SQLLIB and can be invoked, for example, by typing:
". /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile"- Run addNode ( on Unix Platforms) on each of the base appserver(s) to add it as a node into the cell. (How to run addNode is described elsewhere in the InfoCenter). For example, addnode myriad - where myriad is the name of your deployment manager host.
- Copy the uddiejbclient.jar file and the EJB javadoc directory tree from the UDDIReg/ejb subdirectory of the deployment manager install tree onto any machine(s) where you will be creating EJB clients to access the UDDI Registry.
- If you have any global configuration properties that will be common to any UDDI Registries that you install into this cell, then you can edit the file in the properties subdirectory of the deployment manager install tree to set them up. (See the section on Configure global UDDI properties for more details about the global configuration properties).
- The UDDI Registry application is supplied with the security permissions that it requires to execute. This step explains how you can see the permissions that have been set, and change them if you feel that it is appropriate to do so. It is recommended that you only do this if you have a thorough understanding of Java 2 security issues, and the way in which security permissions are used by WebSphere. The permissions for the UDDI Registry application are set within a file was.policy which is part of the uddi.ear application file. To see and change the contents of this file :
- On the deployment manager, copy the uddi.ear file from the installableApps subdirectory of the deployment manager install tree into a temporary directory.
- Un-jar the uddi.ear file (i.e. unpack uddi.ear using the 'jar -x' command).
For example,
jar -x uddi.ear(This uses the jar command in the bin subdirectory of the deployment manager, so you might need to fully qualify the path to the jar command.)
- You will find the was.policy file under the META-INF subdirectory that is created.
This will allow you to see the permissions which have been granted to the UDDI Registry application, and to make any changes that are necessary. Please note that if you make any errors in changing this file, then the UDDI Registry application might either fail to start, or will encounter errors when trying to execute UDDI requests.
- Re-jar the uddi.ear file using the jar command.
For example,
jar -cf uddi.ear .Note: NOTE the space and the dot after uddi.ear)
(This uses the jar command in the /opt/WebSphere\java\bin subdirectory of the deployment manager, so you might need to fully qualify the path to the jar command.)
- Copy the new uddi.ear back to the installableApps directory.
- Please note that if the target appserver is running, then this step will stop and restart it. If you are planning to use Cloudscape for the database in which the UDDI Registry will be held, please read the section "Setting up the UDDI Registry to use Cloudscape within a deployment manager cell" and then return to this point. If however, you plan to use DB2, then please refer to the section "Setting up the UDDI Registry to use DB2 within a deployment manager cell" and then return to this point.
- Ensure that the UDDI Registry is configured appropriately for your installation, as described in the section on Configure the UDDI Registry.
- Start, or stop and restart, the target appserver. This should also start the UDDI Registry application. If not, use the admin console on the deployment manager to do so.
What to do next
Advanced use of setupuddi.jacl
A number of symbols are defined at the top of the setupuddi.jacl script. These allow you to control the amount of logging that is performed, and to install multiple instances of the UDDI Registry within the same cell.
The symbols which you can edit are as follows:
- logEnabled - default setting is 1 which causes the progress of the script to be logged. Setting this symbol to 0 causes information logging to be suppressed, with only error messages being output.
- overwriteExisting - default setting is 1 which causes any existing installation of the UDDI Registry application to be overwritten. Setting this symbol to 0 would cause the existing installation to be left as is, but would allow other files used by the UDDI Registry to be updated. You are recommended to only change this setting under the guidance of IBM Service.
- appName - default setting is UDDIRegistry, which will be the first part of the name used for the UDDI Registry application installed into the target server. To ensure uniqueness of application names within the cell, the full application name that will be used is <appName>.<nodeName>.<server>, where <nodeName> is the name of the target node and <server> is the name of the target server. One can choose to change the first part of this (the <appName>) portion by changing the setting of this symbol before running setupuddi.jacl, although it is generally recommended that you do not change this value.
Continue with Configure the UDDI Registry.
Installing and setting up a UDDI Registry
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