Deploying and managing using programming
This section describes how to use Java administrative APIs for customizing the WebSphere Application Server administrative system. WebSphere Application Server supports access to the administrative functions through a set of Java classes and methods. One can write a Java program that performs any of the administrative features of the WebSphere Application Server administrative tools. One can also extend the basic WebSphere Application Server administrative system to include your own managed resources. For more information, view the JMX Javadoc .
- Decide that you want to write a Java administrative program. Instead of writing a Java administrative program, consider several other options that you can use to manage WebSphere Application Server processes. These options include: wsadmin, the administrative console, or the administrative command line tools. The administrative tools provide most of the functions you might need to manage the product and the applications that run in the WebSphere Application Server. One can use the command line tools from automation scripts to control the servers. Scripts written for the wsadmin scripting tool offer a wide range of possible custom solutions that you can develop quickly.
You might have management features for your application or operating environment that are not implemented in the basic WebSphere Application Server administrative system. In this case, you can use the administrative classes and methods to add newly managed objects to the administrative system. One can also incorporate WebSphere Application Server administration into other Java programs by using the Java administrative APIs.
- Create a custom Java admininstrative client program using the Java administrative APIs. (Optional)
- Extend the WebSphere Application Server administrative system with custom MBeans. (Optional)
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