Configure a new data source

  1. Identify the parent ID:

    set newjdbc [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:cellname/Node:nodename/JDBCProvider:JDBCProviderName/]
    puts $newjdbc 

    Example output:


  2. Obtain the required attributes:

    $AdminConfig required DataSource

    Example output:

    Attribute   Type
    name	   String

  3. Setting up required attributes:

    set name [list name DS1]
    set dsAttrs [list $name]

  4. Create a data source:

    set newds [$AdminConfig create DataSource $newjdbc $dsAttrs]

    Example output:


  5. Save changes:

    $AdminConfig save

Configure a new connection pool using wsadmin
Configure a new data source custom property using wsadmin