Migration tips for application clients

Tips for migrating thin application client code...

The Java invocation used to run non-J2EE application clients has changed in V5. You must specify -Xbootclasspath/p:%WAS_BOOTCLASSPATH% on Windows systems or -Xbootclasspath/p:$WAS_BOOTCLASSPATH on UNIX systems when you invoke the Java command. Set the WAS_BOOTCLASSPATH environment variable in one of the following:

For more information about using -Xbootclasspath, view sample code at the following path after you preform the application client installation


Tips for migrating J2EE application client code...

If your J2EE application client uses resource references and you configured those resources using the ACRCT, run the ClientUpgrade command to migrate the resource configuration information in WAS v5.


See Also

The clientUpgrade command