dspmqtrc (display formatted trace output)




The dspmqtrc command is supported on Solaris, HP-UX, and Linux only.

Use the dspmqtrc command to display WebSphere MQ formatted trace output.



             '- -t FormatTemplate-'  '- -h-'  '- -s-'
   '- -o OutputFilename-'


Required parameters

The name of the file containing the unformatted trace. For example /var/mqm/trace/AMQ12345.TRC. If you provide one input file, dspmqtrc formats it either to stdout or to the output file you name. If you provide more than one input file, any output file you name is ignored, and formatted files are named AMQXXXXX.FMT, based on the PID of the trace file.


Optional parameters

-t FormatTemplate
The name of the template file containing details of how to display the trace. The default value is /opt/mqm/lib/amqtrc.fmt.

Omit header information from the report.

Extract trace header and put to stdout.

-o output_filename
The name of the file into which to write formatted data.


Related commands

endmqtrc End trace
strmqtrc Start trace


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