Configure the webservices.xml deployment descriptor
Create an enterprise JavaBean (EJB) JAR file or Web archive (WAR) file containing webservices.xml...
- Assemble a Web services-enabled EJB JAR file when starting from Java code.
- Assemble a Web services-enabled EJB JAR file from WSDL.
- Assemble a Web services-enabled WAR file when starting from Java code.
- Assemble a Web services-enabled WAR file when starting from WSDL.
Do one of the following based on whether your implementation is an EJB JAR file or Web module WAR file:
- Develop Web services Java bean deployment descriptor templates from a WSDL file.
- Develop Web services EJB deployment descriptor templates from a WSDL file.
This topic explains how to configure the webservices.xml deployment descriptor with the Assembly Toolkit. It is one of the tools available with the Application Server Toolkit product.
To configure the webservices.xml deployment descriptor...
- Start the Assembly Toolkit.
- Click File > Import to import the EJB JAR file or WAR file into the Assembly Toolkit.
- Open the J2EE perspective by clicking Windows >Open Perspective >J2EE.
- Switch to the Project Navigator pane by clicking the Project Navigator tab.
- Locate the project containing the webservicesclient.xml file in the Project Navigator pane.
- Expand the directories under the project until the META-INF or WEB-INF directory and its contents appear.
- Right-click the webservices.xml file.
- Select Open. The Web Services editor opens.
- Expand the Web service descriptions section. Select the service you want to configure.
- Expand the Web service description implementation details section.
- Verify the Web service description name field is unique among all the Web service descriptions in the editor.
- Verify that the WSDL file field indicates there is an existing WSDL file in the module. This file, by convention, should be located in the META-INF/wsdl directory for an enterprise bean JAR file and in the WEB-INf/wsdl directory for a WAR file.
- Verify the JAX-RPC mapping file field indicates an existing mapping file within the module.This file, by convention, should be located in the META-INF directory for an enterprise bean JAR file and in the WEB-INF directory for a WAR file.
- Expand the Port components section.
- Verify there are port component entries corresponding to the used WSDL ports in the Port components section.
- Select a port_component to open the editor for that port component.The Port Components editor opens.
- Expand the Port component implementation details section.
- Verify the WSDL Port Namespace URL and WSDL Port Local part fields are set to the namespace and local name of the corresponding port in the WSDL file.These fields are configured by the WSDL2Java command tool when the webservices.xml file is generated.
- Verify the Service endpoint interface field names the fully qualified Service Endpoint Interface class.This field is configured by the WSDL2Java command when the webservices.xml file is generated.
- Locate the Service implementation bean field.
- Configure this field to indicate the EJB or servlet that implements the Web service. Configure by selecting EJB link for an enterprise bean module or Servlet link for a Web module. Use the drop down list in the Service implementation bean field to select the enterprise bean or servlet used to implement the Web service.The choices in the drop down menu come from the enterprise beans defined in the ejb-jar.xml file for an enterprise bean module or the servlets defined in the web.xml file for a Web module.
See Also
Developing Web services deployment descriptor templates for a Java bean implementation
Developing Web services deployment descriptor templates for an EJB implementation
Configuring the ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor