Configure Cloudscape Version 5.1
Cloudscape Version 5.1 provides two separate frameworks for running Cloudscape with WebSphere Application Server: Embedded and Network Server
To configure Cloudscape using the embedded framework define a Cloudscape JDBC provider.
You must use the embedded framework if you are running XA. Cloudscape does not support XA on Network Server.
Network Server
The Network Server framework allows you to...
- Access a remote Cloudscape instance
- Boot more than one JVM per database instance
To configure:
- Start the Network Server on the machine that hosts the database instance.
cd $WAS_HOME/cloudscape51/bin/networkserver Update...
$WAS_HOME/cloudscape/db2j.propertiesCloudscape should work without any modifications to this file.
Use the entries in the file to turn on trace, change the port number on which Network Server listens, and enable other functions of the Network Server framework. The default port number on which the Network Server listens is port 1527.
- Define a Cloudscape Network Server using Universal JDBC driver to connect Cloudscape Version 5.1 with WAS using the Network Server framework.
- Stop the Network Server by invoking the stopNetworkServer.bat file.
You can find this file in the WAS_HOME/cloudscape/bin/networkserver directory. On UNIX platforms, the file is
- Review additional tools available in the Network Server framework.
Find these tools in the WAS_HOME/cloudscape/bin/networkserver directory. These tools are:
- sysinfo
- cview
- ij
- dropSYSIBM (Use this tool to drop the SYSIBM schema and its contents.)
- Create a SYSIBM schema.
If you do not create the SYSIBM schema, you cannot see the datatypes when you create tables using the cview graphical user interface. The db2j.drda.loadSYSIBM property in the file controls whether the schema is created on the first connection to the database. The db2j.drda.loadSYSIBM property default value is true.
Note: You cannot run a new version and an older version of Cloudscape in the same WAS environment. For datasources created under the old version of Cloudscape, change the classpath in these datasources to point to the new version of Cloudscape; otherwise, the jar files from both versions of Cloudscape are loaded in the same environment. This might result in undesirable consequences or exception situations.
Note: When you run ij, surround the dbname by double quotation marks (" ") if it includes the full path name; for example: ij> connect '"c:temp;create=true"'
This is ' " " ' without spaces.
See Also
JDBC providers
Data sources
Connection pooling
Verifying a connection
Vendor-specific data sources minimum required settings