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SPMLv2 Parser for file endpoint

Use the SPMLv2 Parser to parse or write SPML Version 2 (SPMLv2) messages, which are individual SPMLv2 requests and responses.

SPMLv2 defines a core protocol over which different data models can be used to define the actual provisioning data. The combination of a data model with the SPML core specification is referred to as a profile. The use of SPML requires that a specific profile is used. This SPMLv2 Parser provided with Federated Directory Server console supports the SPMLv2 DSMLv2 profile. To access the SPMLv2 Parser configuration parameters:

  1. Add a File endpoint.
  2. On the File endpoint configuration page, click Parser and select SPMLv2 Parser from the list.
  3. Expand the Parser section to view the parameters.


We can also configure the following advanced parameters. Under the Parser section, expand Advanced to view these parameters.

For detailed information about the SPMLv2 Parser, its operations and attributes, and examples of its usage, go to the SDI documentation and search for SPMLv2 Parser.

Parent topic:

File parsers