Checking out a project from a CVS repository

Projects can be checked out from a CVS repository into the Workbench using the Checkout wizard or from the CVS Repositories view.


Checking out using the Checkout Wizard

It is available from the Import menu, the New > Project menu and the toolbar of the CVS Repository Exploring perspective. It is also opened when performing a Checkout As from the CVS Repositories view.

  1. Launch the Checkout wizard. It is available from the Import menu, the New > Project menu and the toolbar of the CVS Repository Exploring perspective. It is also opened when performing a Checkout As from the CVS Repositories view. (Note: If the CVS capability is disabled, the Checkout wizard may only be available from the Import menu).

  2. Select the desired repository from the list of known repositories or, if the desired repository is not in this list, choose to create a new repository location and click Next.

  3. If entering a new repository location, enter the repository information and click Next when completed. (Note: this page is the same format as the Creating a CVS repository location wizard.)

  4. Either select one or more modules from the list of existing modules or type in the name of the module to be checked out. Entering a name is supported for those situations where obtaining the list of existing modules from the server is impractical or unsupported. You can also enter a dot (.) as the module name if the repository is configured to host a single project at its root. Click Next when the module or modules to be checked out are specified.

  5. Optional: Choose whether to check out one or more selected modules as a new projects or into an existing project or folder. If one module is selected and it does not contain a .project file (the Workbench project configuration file), you will also have the option to configure the project using the New Project wizard (in order to make the project a Java project, for instance). Click Next.

  6. Optional: For a single project, you can configure the location of the project to be either the default location or a custom location outside the workspace. For multiple projects, you can configure the parent folder where all the projects should be located. Click Next.

  7. Optional: Select the tag to check out from and click Finish.


Checking out from the CVS Repositories view

To check out a project from the CVS repositories view to the Workbench:

  1. Switch to the CVS Repository Exploring perspective or add the CVS Repositories view to the current perspective.

  2. In the CVS Repositories view, expand the repository location.

  3. Expand HEAD and select the folders that you want to add as projects to the Workbench. If you are looking for a folder in a particular version:

    1. Expand the Versions category and find the folder name that you want to add to the Workbench.

    2. Expand the folder to reveal its versions.

    If you are looking for the latest folder in a branch:

    1. Expand the Branches category.

    2. Expand the branch that holds the folder that you want to add to the Workbench.

  4. From the pop-up menu for the selected folders, select one of the following:

    1. Check Out to check out each of the selected folders as a project in the local workspace with the same name as the folder in the repository.

    2. Check Out As... to check out the selected folders into a custom configured project in the local workspace. Note: When multiple folders are selected, this operations only allows the specification of a custom parent location for the new projects.

  5. If Check Out As... was chosen on a single project, one of two possible dialogs is displayed depending on whether the folder in the repository contains a .project file or not.

    1. If there is a .project file, the dialog will accept a custom project name and location.

    2. Otherwise, the dialog will be the New Project wizard which allows full customization of the project (e.g. Java project).

Tip: Any folder, including non-root folders, can be checked out from a CVS repository.

Team programming with CVS
CVS Repositories

Checking out a module from a CVS repository
Checking out a folder into an existing project
Creating a CVS repository location
Replacing resources in the Workbench
Discovering branch and version tags
Sharing a new project using CVS
Synchronizing with the repository

CVS Repositories view
CVS Checkout wizard