Discovering branch and version tags

Prerequisite:Before you can discover the branch and version tags for a repository, have a valid repository location in the CVS Repositories view.

To discover existing branch tags for multiple folders in a single repository location:

  1. Switch to the CVS Repository Exploring perspective or add the CVS Repositories view to the current perspective.

  2. In the CVS Repositories view, select a repository location.

  3. From the pop-up menu for the CVS Repositories view, select Refresh Branches. The Refresh Branches dialog will open (depending on the repository location selected listed remote projects can differ):

  4. In the folder list, select the folders whose tags you would like to refresh. Alternatively, at the bottom of the dialog, you can choose a working set and all remote folders whose names match the name of a project in the working set will become checked.

  5. Click Finish to discovered the tags for the checked projects. These tags will be added to the repositories view.

Note: This operation may be long running especially if the number of selected folders is large.

Tip: If the above operation does not result in the discovery of any tags, it is probable that the folder in the repository does not have a .project file in it. The .project file is the default file used by the tag discovery process. The file can be changed for individual projects using Configure Branches and Versions (see below).

To discover existing branch and version tags for a single project folder:

  1. Switch to the CVS Repository Exploring perspective or add the CVS Repositories view to the current perspective.

  2. In the CVS Repositories view, expand the repository location.

  3. Expand HEAD and select the root folder whose tags are to be discovered.

  4. From the pop-up menu for the CVS Repositories view, select Configure Branches and Versions. The Tag Configuration dialog similar to the one below will open.

  5. In the top pane on the left (titled Browse files for tags), expand one or more projects to find a file that is known to have tags that should be added to the CVS Repositories view.

  6. Select a file in the left top pane. If the file selected has tags defined on it, they will be displayed in the right top pane (titled New tags found in selected files).

  7. Check or uncheck the tags in the right pane as desired.

  8. Click Add Checked Tags to add the checked tags to the list of remembered tags.

  9. Click OK to add the remembered tags to the selected repository location or project.

Note: You can also set the auto-refresh files by selecting a file in the files pane and clicking Add Selected Files in the lower right hand portion of the dialog.

Team programming with CVS
CVS Repositories
Synchronizing with a CVS repository

Creating a CVS repository location
Checking out a project from a CVS repository
Sharing a new project using CVS