Breakpoints View

The Breakpoints View lists all the breakpoints you currently have set in your workspace.

You can double-click a breakpoint to display its location in the editor (if applicable). You can also enable or disable breakpoints, delete them, add new ones, group them by working set, or set hit counts.

In the example shown below the Group by > Breakpoint Types option is turned on.

The commands available in the Breakpoints View are listed below.

Breakpoints View Commands





  Access Changes if the selected watchpoint should suspend on access to its associated field. Context menu
Add Exception Breakpoint Opens the create exception breakpoint dialog. View action
  Breakpoint Properties... Opens the breakpoints properties dialog. Context menu
  Caught Changes if the selected exception breakpoint should suspend when the specified type of exception is caught. Context menu
Collapse All Collapses all of the items in the view. View action
Copy Copies the selected breakpoints to the system clipboard. Context menu
Disable Changes the selected breakpoint(s) to be disabled. Context menu
Enable Changes the selected breakpoint(s) to be enabled. Context menu
  Entry Changes if the selected method breakpoint should suspend on entry to the associated method. Context menu
  Exit Changes if the selected method breakpoint should suspend on exit from the associated method. Context menu
Expand All Expands all of the items in the view. View action
Export Breakpoints... Opens the export breakpoints wizard. Context menu
Go to File Opens the corresponding location of the breakpoint in the java editor. Context menu and view action
  Group By... Allows you to select an alternate grouping for your breakpoints or create your own. View action
Hit Count Allows you to set or change the hit count for the selected breakpoint. Context menu
Import Breakpoints... Opens the import breakpoints wizard. Context menu
Link with View Changes if the breakpoints should be linked to the Debug View. View action
  Modification Changes if the selected watchpoint should suspend when its associated field is modified. Context menu
Paste Pastes copied breakpoints into the view. Context menu
Remove All Removes all breakpoints from the view. Context menu and view action
Remove Selected Breakpoints Removes only the selected breakpoint(s) from the view. Context menu and view action
  Select All Selects all of the breakpoints in the view. Context menu
Select Default Working Set Allows you to choose which working set will be the default one. View action
Show Qualified Names Changes if qualified names are shown or not. View action
Show Supported Breakpoints Changes if only supported breakpoints should be shown or not. View action
Skip All Sets all breakpoints to be skipped. View action
Suspend Allows you to choose what to suspend when the selected breakpoint is hit. Context menu
  Uncaught Changes if the selected exception breakpoint should suspend when the specified type of exception is not caught. Context menu
  Working Sets... Opens the working sets dialog. View action

Java views
Java perspectives

Adding breakpoints
Applying hit counts
Catching Java exceptions
Removing breakpoints
Enabling and disabling breakpoints
Managing conditional breakpoints
Setting method breakpoints

Views and editors