Search Actions
Search menu commands:
Keyboard Shortcut Search...
Opens the search dialog
Ctrl + H File...
Opens the search dialog on the File search page
Opens the search dialog on the Java search page
Searches for the selected text in the chosen scope:
- Workspace (Ctrl + Alt + G)
- Project
- Hierarchy
- Working Set
Finds all references to the selected Java element in the chosen scope:
- Workspace (Ctrl + Shift + G)
- Project
- Hierarchy
- Working Set
Declarations Finds all declarations of the selected Java element in the chosen scope:
- Workspace (Ctrl + G)
- Project
- Hierarchy
- Working Set
Implementors Finds all implementors of the selected interface in the chosen scope: (Workspace, Project or Working Set)
- Workspace
- Project
- Working Set
Read Access Finds all read accesses to the selected field in the chosen scope:
- Workspace
- Project
- Hierarchy
- Working Set
Write Access Finds all write accesses to the selected field in the chosen scope:
- Workspace
- Project
- Hierarchy
- Working Set
Occurrences in File
Finds all occurrences of the selected Java element in its file
- Identifier: Occurrences of all identifiers resolving to the selected element
- Implementing Methods: All methods implemented by the selected super-interface declaration
- Throwing Exceptions: All statements that possible throw the selected declared exception
- Method Exits: All statements that can exit the method of the selected return type
- Break/Continue Target: The targets of the selected break and continue statement
Ctrl + Shift + U Referring Tests
Finds all JUnit tests that refer to the currently selected type
Search scopes submenu:
Availability Description
all elements Searches in the full workspace
all elements Searches in the project enclosing the selected element
types and members Searches in the type's hierarchy
Workings Set
all elements Searches in a working set
Scopes can be saved and names in the working set dialog. Existing instances of working sets are also available in the Search Scope submenu
A Java search can also be conducted via the context menu of all Java views. The search context menu is also available in the Java editor. The search is only performed if the currently selected text can be resolved to a Java element.
The type of the selected Java element defines which search context menus are available. The Java editor does not constrain the list of available Java searches based on the selection.