Quick Assist
Quick assists perform local code transformations. They are invoked on a selection or a single cursor in the Java editor and use the same shortcut as quick fixes (Ctrl+1), but quick assist are usually hidden when an error is around. To show them even with errors present on the same line, press Ctrl+1 a second time.
A selection of quick assists can be assigned to a direct shortcut. By default, these are:
- Rename in file: Ctrl+2, R
- Assign to local: Ctrl+2, L
- Assign to field: Ctrl+2, F
Assign more shortcuts or change the default shortcuts on the General > Keys preference page (in the 'Source' category).
A quick assist light bulb can be turned on on the Java > Editor preference page.
Name Code example Invocation location Inverse if statement if (x) a(); else b();
> if (!x) b(); else a();
On 'if' statements with 'else' block Inverse boolean expression a && !b
> !a || b
On a boolean expression Remove extra parentheses if ((a == b) && (c != d) {}
> if (a == b && c != d) {}
On selected expressions Add paranoidal parentheses if (a == b && c != d) {}
> if ((a == b) && (c != d)
On selected expressions Join nested if statements if (a) { if (b) {} }
> if (a && b) {}
On a nested if statement Swap nested if statements if (a) { if (b) {} }
> if (b) { if (a) {} }
On a nested if statement Split if statement with and'ed expression if (a && b) {}
> if (a) { if (b) {} }
On an and'ed expression in a 'if' Split if statement with or'd expression if (a || b) x();
> if (a) x(); if (b) x();
On an or'd expression in a 'if' Inverse conditional expression x ? b : c
> !x ? c : b
On a conditional expression Pull negation up b && c
> !(!b || !c)
On a boolean expression Push negation down !( b && c)
> ! b || !c
On a negated boolean expression If-else assignment to conditional expression if (a) x= 1; else x= 2;
> x= a ? 1 : 2;
On an 'if' statement If-else return to conditional expression if (a) return 1;
else return 2;> return a ? 1 : 2;
On an 'if' statement Conditional expression assignment to If-else x= a ? 1 : 2;
> if (a) x= 1; else x= 2;
On a conditional expression Conditional expression return to If-else return a ? 1 : 2;
> if (a) return 1; else return 2;
On a conditional expression Switch to If-else switch (kind) {
case 1: return -1;
case 2: return -2;
}> if (kind == 1) {
return -1;
} else if (kind == 2) {
return -2;
}On a statement Add missing case statements on enums switch (e){
}> switch (e){
case E1: break;
case E2: break;
}On a switch statement Exchange operands a + b
> b + a
On an infix operation Cast and assign if (obj instanceof Vector) {
}> if (obj instanceof Vector) {
Vector vec= (Vector)obj;
}on a instanceof expression in an 'if' or 'while' statement Pick out string "abcdefgh"
> "abc" + "de" + "fgh"
select a part of a string literal Convert string concatination to StringBuilder (J2SE 5.0) or StringBuffer "Hello " + name
> StringBuilder builder= new StringBuilder();
builder.append("Hello ");
builder.append(name);select a string literal Convert string concatination to MessageFormat "Hello " + name
> MessageFormat.format("Hello {0}", name);
select a string literal Split variable int i= 0;
> int i; i= 0;
On a variable with initialization Join variable int i; i= 0;
> int i= 0
On a variable without initialization Assign to variable foo()
> X x= foo();
On an expression statement Extract to local foo(getColor());
> Color color= getColor();
foo(color);On an expression Assign parameter to field public A(int color) {}
> Color fColor;
public A(int color) {
fColor= color;
}On a parameter Add finally block try {
} catch (Expression e) {
}> try {
} catch (Expression e) {
} finally {}On a try/catch statement Add else block if (a) b();
> if (a) b(); else { }
On a if statement Replace statement with block f (a) b();
> if (a) { b(); }
On a if statement Invert equals a.equals(b)
> b.equals(a)
On a invocation of 'equals' Array initializer to Array creation int[] i= { 1, 2, 3 }
> int[] i= new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }
On an array initializer Convert to 'enhanced for loop' (J2SE 1.5) for (Iterator i= c.iterator();i.hasNext();) {
> for (x : c) {
}On a for loop Create method in super class
On a method declaration Unwrap blocks { a() }
> a()
On blocks, if/while/for statements Rename in file
On identifiers Extract to local variable a= b*8;
> int x= a*8;
a= x;On expressions Extract to constant a= 8;
> final static int CONST= 8;
a= CONST;On expressions Extract method int x= p * 5;
> int x= getFoo(p);
On expressions and statements Inline local variable int a= 8, b= a;
> int b= 8;
On local variables Convert local variable to field void foo() { int a= 8; }
> int a= 8; void foo() {}
On local variables Convert anonymous to nested class new Runnable() { };
> class RunnableImplementation implements Runnable { }
On anonymous classes Replace with getter and setter (Encapsulate Field) p.x;
> p.getX();
On fields
Java Editor
Quick Fix and Quick Assist