Creating a policy set attachment on the client side

You can add security to a Web service client by attaching policy sets to the client. Each attachment specifies an endpoint, a policy set, and a binding. Because each configuration is specific to an application and a user, configure a binding for some policy types.

Prerequisite: You have created a Web service client that is in your workspace.

For a given Web service and a client of that service, the policy sets and bindings configuration must match for the service to function correctly. Use the information that you obtained from your Web service provider when you specify policy sets and most bindings configuration on the client side.

To create a policy set attachment for your Web service client:

  1. In the Services view, select your Web service client object, right-click and select

    Manage Policy Set Attachment.

  2. For each attachment that you want to create, click

    Add and use the Configure Policy Set and Binding window to attach a policy set to an endpoint and specify a binding. Each attachment that you create will be listed in the

    Application table.

  3. To configure the bindings for an attachment:

    1. Select the attachment in the

      Application table.

    2. In the

      Binding Configurations table, for each binding that has a status of "Binding not configured", select the binding, click

      Configure and use the binding configuration window to configure a binding. The window that opens depends on the type of binding that you select.

  4. When you have configured all of the bindings that require configuration, each binding in the

    Binding Configurations table will have a status of "Binding Configured" or "N/A" (not applicable). Click Finish to complete the wizard.


clientPolicyAttachments.xml is created in the

META-INF folder of your Web service application (EAR).

For more information about creating a policy set attachment, see the related tasks:


Related tasks

Modifying policy set attachments