Attaching a policy set to an endpoint

When creating or modifying a policy set attachment for a Web service or client, you can associate a policy set with an endpoint. For a client, you can also specify a binding.

Prerequisite: You must be in the Configure Policy Set and Binding window of a policy set attachment wizard.

You can use this window more than once to associate different policy sets with different levels of a Web service. A Web service has three levels of generality: service, endpoint, and operation. The service level is the most general, and the operation level is the most specific. The most specific attachment that applies will be used for a given invocation of a Web service. For example, if you create attachments to both a Web service and an operation in that service, invocations of the operation will use the attachment for the operation, but invocations of other operations will use the attachment for the service.

To associate a policy set with an endpoint and specify a binding:

  1. From the

    Service Name list, select the Web service that you want to secure.

  2. Optional: If you want finer-grained control, from the

    Endpoint list, select the name of the endpoint that you want to secure. An endpoint is also known as a port type.

  3. Optional: If you want even finer-grained control, from the

    Operation list, select the name of the operation that you want to secure.

  4. From the

    Policy Set list, select the policy set that you want to attach to the Web service, endpoint, or operation that you have selected in the

    Application section. The policy set that you attach to a Web service on the client side must match the policy set that is attached to the Web service on the server side. For the client, use the information from the Web service provider. If you set a global or project level preference for a default policy set, this policy set will be pre-selected for you.

  5. To specify a binding for a client-side attachment, in the

    Binding list, select or enter a name for the binding that you want to associate with your attachment. Because the information that a binding contains is unique to a given environment or platform, you can use each binding with only one attachment. You do not need to specify a binding for a server-side attachment.

  6. Click OK.

Your attachment is shown in the

Application table of the policy set attachment wizard.