Enabling hot method replace for a WAS

If you want to make changes to your Java™ classes while you are debugging, you can set this preference by editing the server before you start it. When hot method replace is enabled most application changes is picked up automatically without requiring an application or server restart.


To enable hot method replace for a local or remote WAS v6.0.x:

  1. In the Servers view, double-click your WAS v6.0.x to open the server editor.

  2. Click the

    Overview tab.

  3. Expand the

    Server section, and select the

    Enable hot method replace in debug mode check box.

  4. Save and close the editor.

  5. Start the server in debug mode. When the server is started in debug mode, class file changes is going to be picked up by the server automatically.


Related information

WAS maintenance releases