Web services runtime environments

Three runtime environments are available in which Web services can run. Each environment supports different servers and standards.

The following runtime environments are supported for Web service generation:

The IBM WebSphere JAX-WS runtime environment is the strategic Web services runtime supported by IBM. The IBM WebSphere JAX-RPC runtime is a legacy environment which is still supported, however new applications should use JAX-WS whenever possible. The Apache Axis 1.4 runtime is an open source runtime supported by the tools, however it is not recommended for use in a production environment.

Note that not all runtime environments support all methods of Web service generation. For more information on what kinds of resources with which you can create a service, refer to the topics describing each runtime environment.

The following runtime/server configurations are supported:

IBM WebSphere JAX-WS

WAS v6.1.1.3 or later with the Feature Pack for Web Services installed, or WAS v7.0.


WAS v6.0, v6.1, v7.0.

Apache Axis 1.4

Supported on all servers supporting servlet API 2.3 or higher. This includes but is not limited to: Apache Tomcat v4.x,.v5.x, v6.0. WAS v6.0, v6.1, v7.0.


Related concepts



IBM WebSphere JAX-WS runtime environment

Using annotations to create Web services


Related tasks

Creating a JAX-WS enabled WebSphere server

Creating a JAX-WS enabled dynamic Web project

Creating a Web service and Java bean skeleton from WSDL

Creating a Web service from a Java bean

Generating a Java client proxy from a WSDL document using the IBM WebSphere JAX-WS runtime environment

Setting Web services preferences